Using the Active Script Monitor context object

The context object is available to the script programmer when scripts are executing. It delivers context aspects of the device that it is operating upon. All methods and properties are retrieved using the "Context" namespace.

We have provided several code samples for you to create useful Active Script Monitors for your devices.


Method description


This method allows for a message to be written to the WhatsUp Gold debug log.



Context.LogMessage( "Checking Monitor name using Context.GetProperty()");


Context.LogMessage "Checking Address using Context.GetProperty()"


This method allows you to store a value in the INMSerialize object. This value is retained across polls.



var nCount = parselnt(nNum) +1;

SetResult(nCode, sText);

This method allows for a result code and result message to be set. This is how you can tell  the WhatsUp Gold system if the monitor succeeded or not.

Important: Every script should have a result, otherwise it will report back positively.



Context.SetResult(0, "    Everything is OK"); //Success
Context.SetResult(1, "    Really big big error"); //Failure


Context.SetResult 1, "    Really big big error"



This property offers access to many device specific aspects. You obtain access to these items using the names listed. These names are case sensitive.


The active monitor display name


The IP address of the device


The device ID


1 =  doing discovery
2 =  polling
3 =  test


The active monitor's type ID


SNMP V1 Read community


SNMP V1 Write community


SNMP V2 Read community


SNMP V2 Write community


SNMP V3 Username


SNMP V3 Context


SNMP V3 Authentication password


SNMP V3 Authentication protocol


SNMP V3 Encrypt password


SNMP V3 Encrypt protocol


Windows NT Domain and User ID


Windows NT Password



var sAddress = Context.GetProperty("Address");
var sReadCommunity = Context.GetProperty("CredSnmpV1:ReadCommunity");
var nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty("DeviceID");


//Sending log message to the WhatsUp Event Viewer
Context.LogMessage ( "Checking Mode flag");

var nFlag = Context.GetProperty("Mode");

if (nFlag == 1)
Context.LogMessage ("Doing a discovery");
else if (nFlag == 2)
Context.LogMessage ("Doing a poll");
else if (nFlag == 3)
Context.LogMessage ("Must be just a test.");
Context.LogMessage ("Do not know the mode.");

//Set the result code of the check (0=Success, 1=Error)
Context.SetResult (0, "No error");


This property returns an open connection to the WhatsUp Gold database.


This example gets the Open connection and reads some values out of the WhatsUp Gold "Device" table using the deviceID context. Refer to the WhatsUp Gold Database Schema for more information about the WhatsUp Gold schema.

var oDb = Context.GetDB;
if (null == oDb)
Context.SetResult( 1, "  Problem creating the PRO DB object");
var oRs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");
// Get the device ID
var nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty("DeviceID");
var sSql = "SELECT * from Device WHERE nDeviceID = " + nDeviceID;
oRs = oDb.Execute(sSql);
if ( !oRs.EOF )
   var sDisplay;
   sDisplay = "" + oRs("sDisplayName");
   Context.LogMessage("Display Name=" + sDisplay);
   sDisplay = "" + oRs("nWorstStateID");
   Context.LogMessage("WorstStateID=" + sDisplay);  
   sDisplay = "" + oRs("sNote");
   Context.LogMessage("Note=" + sDisplay);   
   sDisplay = "" + oRs("sStatus");
   Context.LogMessage("Status=" + sDisplay);
Context.SetResult( 0, "   Ok");