This procedure steps you through creating a new WhatsUp database on an existing SQL Server installation that is on the same computer with WhatsUp Gold.
You must first complete the WhatsUp Gold installation, then configure Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
From the WhatsUp Gold console, select
Tools > Database Utilities > Back
Up SQL Database. Enter a name for the backup file, for
example: SP1cleanDB.dat
Or, from the command line, enter:
osql -E -D whatsup
-Q "backup database to
osql -E -S <sql
server name> -Q "restore database whatsup
from disk='<the .dat file> with Move
'whatsup_dat' to
'<location for the mdf file>', Move
'whatsup_log' to
'<location for the ldf file>'"
Substitute the <...> with your values:
<sql server name> = machine
name\instance name
<the .dat file> = the backup file from the previous step
(step a)
<location for the mdf file> = where you would like to keep
the mdf file (data file used by the database)
<location for the ldf file> = where you would like to keep the ldf file (log file used by the database)
For example:
osql -E -S
rra997\mySqlServerInstanceName -Q "restore
database whatsup from
disk='D:\WhatsUpcleanDB.dat' with Move
'whatsup_dat' to 'D:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL
'whatsup_log' to 'D:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL
Nmservice /Service:
Note: On some operating systems, you may have to reboot the machine before continuing.
NmService /Service:<MS SQL Server Service
For example: NmService
<machine name\sql server instance name>
For example:
- or -