Installing a New SQL Server Instance on the same computer

This procedure steps through a new installation of SQL Server on the same computer on which you installed WhatsUp Gold.

  1. Back up the clean SQL Server 2005 WhatsUp database.

    From the WhatsUp Gold console, select Tools > Database Utilities > Back Up SQL Database. Enter a name for the backup file, for example: SP1cleanDB.dat

    - or -

    From the command line, enter:

    osql -E -D whatsup -Q "backup database to

  2. Uninstall MSDE at Add/Remove Programs > Microsoft SQL Desktop Engine. Then delete the whatsup.mdf and whatsup.ldf files in:

    \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$WHATSUP\Data

  3. Install the SQL server, and during install specify the instance name: WhatsUp.

    From the Services Control manager, start MSSQL$WHATSUP service - (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).

  4. Restore the backup to your SQL Server.

    osql -E -S <sql server name> -Q "restore database whatsup
    from disk='<the .dat file> with Move 'whatsup_dat' to
    '<location for the mdf file>', Move 'whatsup_log' to
    '<location for the ldf file>'

    Substitute the <...> with your values:

    <sql server name> = machine name\instance name
    <the .dat file> = the backup file from the previous step (step 1)
    <location for the mdf file> = where you would like to keep the mdf file (data file used by the database)

    <location for the ldf file> = where you would like to keep the ldf file (log file used by the database)

    For example:

    osql -E -S rra997\mySqlServerInstanceName -Q "restore
    database whatsup from disk='D:\WhatsUpcleanDB.dat' with Move
    'whatsup_dat' to 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
    Server\MSSQL$mySqlServerInstanceName\Data', Move
    whatsup_log' to 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL

  5. Configure the Data Source Name (DSN).
    1. On the computer on which WhatsUp Gold was installed, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).
    2. Click the System DSN tab. Click Configure to modify the WhatsUp DSN. In the Server box, enter: <sql server instance name> For example: whatsup
    3. Select SQL Server Authentication. You can specify sa (the default) as the
      LoginID, and its password as an alternative. You can use any LoginID and
      Password with rights to the WhatsUp database.
    4. Click Finish.
  6. Run NMCONFIG.EXE. This program makes sure that WhatsUp Gold has the account information needed to log on to the database. The NMCONFIG dialog opens.
    1. Enter the DSN name (from Step 5).
    2. Enter a Username ("sa" is the default).
    3. Enter the Password for this Username (the one you specified in Step 5). The default password is: "wug_sa"

      osql -E -S <sql server name>

  7. Launch the application.
    • Select Start > Programs > Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold v11 > WhatsUp Gold.

      - or -

    • Select Start > Programs > Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold v11 > WhatsUp Gold Task Tray Application.