This procedure steps through a new installation of SQL Server on the same computer on which you installed WhatsUp Gold.
From the WhatsUp Gold console, select Tools > Database Utilities > Back Up SQL Database. Enter a name for the backup file, for example: SP1cleanDB.dat
- or -
From the command line, enter:
osql -E -D whatsup
-Q "backup database to
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$WHATSUP\Data
From the Services Control manager, start MSSQL$WHATSUP service - (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
osql -E -S <sql
server name> -Q "restore database whatsup
from disk='<the .dat file> with Move 'whatsup_dat' to
'<location for the mdf file>', Move 'whatsup_log' to
'<location for the ldf file>'
Substitute the <...> with your values:
<sql server name> = machine
name\instance name
<the .dat file> = the backup file from the previous step
(step 1)
<location for the mdf file> = where you would like to keep
the mdf file (data file used by the database)
<location for the ldf file> = where you would like to keep the ldf file (log file used by the database)
For example:
osql -E -S
rra997\mySqlServerInstanceName -Q "restore
database whatsup from disk='D:\WhatsUpcleanDB.dat' with Move
'whatsup_dat' to 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSSQL$mySqlServerInstanceName\Data', Move
whatsup_log' to 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
osql -E -S
sql server name>
- or -