In the WhatsUp Gold web interface, select
Go > Configure > Action
- or -
From the main menu bar of the WhatsUp Gold
console, select Configure > Action
In the Action Library, do one of the
Click New, then select Service Restart Action.
- or -
Select an existing Service Restart Action,
then click Edit.
The action properties page opens.
Set the appropriate options.
Enter the name of the action as you would like it to appear in the
Action Library.
Description. Enter a short description of
the action. This is displayed in the Action Library along with the
entry in the Name box.
Click the browse button to select the desired host from your
Network Neighborhood.
User name
(domain\username). Enter a user login to use with this
monitor. In order to monitor the service on another machine, the
WinEvent monitor has to be configured with the correct user name
and password and a user account that belongs to the administrators
group on the remote machine. If a domain account is used, then the
expected user name is domain\user. If the device is on a workgroup,
there are two possible user names: workgroup name\user or machine
name\user. No user name and password is needed for local services
(services on the machine where WhatsUp Gold v11 is running).
Password. Enter the password for the login
used above. To monitor NT services on a XP machine with an account
that has empty password, the XP's Local Security Settings might
have to be modified. From Administrative tools > Local Security
Settings, click on Security
Settings > Local Policies > Security Options. Then
right click on the setting: Account:
Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon
only and click Properties, and select Disable.
Service. Click the browse button to select
the desired service associated with your host.
Command. Use the list box to select either
Start or Stop, depending on whether you want the associated alert
to Start or Stop the service you have selected.
Click OK to save this action. The action now
appears in the Action Library.
Assign the action to a device or a monitor,
by using the procedure defined in: