In the WhatsUp Gold web interface, select
Go > Configure > Action
- or -
From the main menu bar of the WhatsUp Gold
console, select Configure > Action
In the Action Library, do one of the
Click New, then select Active Script Action.
- or -
Select an existing Active Script Action,
then click Edit.
The action properties page opens.
Set the appropriate options.
The name of the action as it appears in the Action Library.
Description. The description of the action
as it appears in the Action Library.
Timeout. The amount of time (in seconds)
WhatsUp Gold should wait for the action script to run.
Though the maximum timeout is 60 seconds, you are highly
discouraged from using a timeout longer than the default of 10
seconds. You are encouraged to use the shortest timeout
type. VBScript or JScript.
text. Write or insert your action code here.
Click OK to save this action. The action now
appears in the Action Library.
Assign the action to a device or a monitor,
by using the procedure defined in: