In the WhatsUp Gold web interface, select
Go > Configure > Action
- or -
From the main menu bar of the WhatsUp Gold
console, select Configure > Action
In the Action Library, do one of the
Click New, then select Syslog Action.
- or -
Select an existing Syslog Action, then
click Edit.
The action properties page opens.
Set the appropriate options.
Enter a name for the action. This will appear in the Action
Description. Enter a short description of
the action. This is displayed in the Action Library along with the
entry in with the Name box.
Server. Enter the IP address of the machine that is
running the Syslog server.
Enter the UDP port that the Syslog listener is listening on. The
default port is 514.
Message. Enter a text message to be sent to
the Syslog server. This message may include notification
variables. The Syslog message box limits input to 511
characters. If notification variables are used, then the message
that actually gets sent will be limited to 1023 bytes, in order to
comply with the Syslog protocol. Non-visible ASCII characters such
as tabs and linefeeds will be replaced by space characters.
Click OK to save this action. The action now
appears in the Action Library.
Assign the action to a device or a monitor,
by using the procedure defined in: