Printing, exporting, and saving full
All full reports can be printed and many can be
exported into text or Microsoft Excel. In some cases, exported
reports show more detailed data than that of the data displayed in
the report in Report View. For example, an exported report my
contain more data columns, or a floating data point with higher
precision. For either the print or export functions to work, Client
Side JavaScript must be enabled. Full reports can also be saved for
later review.
To print a full report:
While viewing the full report you wish to
- Right-click anywhere inside the report
- From the right-menu, select
- On the Print dialog, click
- or -
Select .
- On the Print dialog, click
To export a full report to text:
While viewing the full report you wish to
- On the Report Toolbar, click the
- On the Export Report dialog, select
- Clear or select the following options:
to either
include or remove the report title or column names from the
exported file.
- Choose a from the drop-down menu.
- Choose a from the drop-down menu.
- Click to export the report to text.
To export a full report to Microsoft
While viewing the full report you wish to
- On the Report Toolbar, click the
- On the Export Report dialog, select
- Clear or select the following options:
to either
include or remove the report title or column names from the
exported file.
- Click to export the report to Excel.
To save a full report:
While viewing the full report you wish to
- Select .
- In the Save Web Page dialog, browse to the
location you wish to save your file from the box.
- Give the file a title in the box.
- Choose the type of file you wish to save the
report as from the box.
- Click