About the Picking List for Vault report

The Picking List for Vault report shows the volumes that are being requested back from the offsite vault. This report should be sent offsite to the vault vendor.

Volumes are listed on this report because Vault determined that they are in an offsite volume group and that all images have expired. When Vault identifies these volumes, it changes the Return Date field for the media and adds the media ID and date requested to this report.

Expired media appear on this report only once: either on the date the media expire or the next time the report is generated (if the report is not generated on the date a volume expires). If media appear on the report but are not recalled, they appear on the Lost Media report.

A slot at the offsite vault from which an expired volume is recalled is available for use one day after the volume has physically returned to the robot.

If you use a scratch pool, this report may include volumes from other profiles or vaults that expired and moved back into the scratch pool even if the report is for a specific Vault profile or session.

Report settings:

Column descriptions in the Picking List for Vault report are as follows:


The ID of the container in which the volume resides in the vault. (Container vaulting only.)


Density of the volume.


The date the volume was last mounted. (Session report only; does not appear for consolidated report.)


The session ID of the Vault session that recalled the media.


The type of media:

  • NBU. NetBackup media that contains backup images.

  • New NBU CTLG. Catalog backup media from NetBackup 6.0 and later releases.

  • Add-on. Media not managed by NetBackup.


The ID of the media.


Date when the volume is requested back from the offsite vault.


The date the container should be returned from the offsite vault. (Container vaulting only.)


The ID of the slot in which the volume resides in the offsite vault. (Slot vaulting only.)


The name of the vault to which the volume's profile belongs. (Consolidated report only.)