Adding software to a UNIX or Linux SRT

The bmrsrtadm command provides options to install additional software in an existing UNIX or Linux SRT.

The following options are available, although not all options are supported on all systems:


Use only the specific options from this list to add products to an SRT.

If you did not add required NetBackup software when you created the SRT, a prompt appears to add it when you select the modify option.

After you add the NetBackup software when you create an SRT, the bmrsrtadm command provides options to install other software in the SRT.

To add software to a UNIX or Linux SRT

  1. On the BMR boot server where the SRT resides, change to the following directory:

  2. Enter the following command:

  3. When you are prompted, select the option to modify an existing shared resource tree.

  4. Enter the name of the SRT to modify.

  5. Select an installation option.

    The bmrsrtadm command guides you through software installation. Usually, you have to enter the path to the installation program or image for the software.