On UNIX systems, you can enter commands and interact with an external procedure during restore time. To do so, start the bmrShell function from within the external procedure script. The bmrShell function allows input from the default console keyboard and outputs to the console monitor.
You can also use redirection to send output to the screen from an external procedure by redirecting output to the special device. To do so, use /dev/console (as in echo "Hello World" >> /dev/console).
On UNIX and Linux systems, the bmrShell is not available during first boot.
On Windows systems, you can enter commands and interact with an external procedure during restore time. To do so, start the Windows command interpreter cmd from within the external procedure script.
On Windows systems, the limited restore environment may not contain DLLs or the same version of DLLs that were used with the original client system. Use bmrc to transfer these DLLs during the restore to the C:\BMR\WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory. Alternatively, add the location of that DLL to the path environment variable.