About external procedure points and names

BMR can run external procedures at the following user exit points during the restore process, in the following sequence:


Before discovery of hardware is reported to the BMR server (UNIX clients only).


Before disks are formatted and partitioned. On Windows systems, the preformat takes place after the system drive is formatted but before any nonsystem drives are formatted.


Before files begin to restore.


After files are restored.

first boot

After the restore is complete and at the first boot of a restored client. On Windows systems, the first boot external procedure operates as the first user to log on after a client is restored.

An external procedure point name is used as part of the name of each external procedure script that you create. The naming convention for client-specific external procedures is different than for operating system specific external procedures.


Do not add a .cmd extension for the external procedures that are intended for Microsoft Windows systems. BMR adds the appropriate file name extension when it generates the scripts during the prepare-to-restore process.