BMR logging originator IDs

Following are the originator IDs for the BMR processes that perform logging:


bmrd and bmrbd. Bare Metal Restore master and boot server services. The bmrbd boot server process runs on a BMR boot server.


bmrsavecfg. Bare Metal Restore the agent that runs on client systems, collects the client configuration, and saves the client configuration to the master server.


bmrc. Bare Metal Restore the utility that clients use to communicate with the BMR master server during a restore. Runs on the restoring client.


bmrs. The Bare Metal Restore command line interface for the various activities that are performed by the GUIs.


bmrsrtadm. Bare Metal Restore utility that creates and manages shared resource trees and creates bootable CD media or DVD media for restores. Runs on a BMR boot server.


bmrprep. Bare Metal Restore utility that prepares BMR for a client restore or discovery. Runs on the master server.


bmrsetupmaster and bmrsetupboot. Bare Metal Restore master server and boot server configuration utilities.


Miscellaneous programs and Bare Metal Restore libraries.


bmrconfig. Bare Metal Restore utility that modifies a client's configuration.


bmrcreatepkg.exe. Bare Metal Restore utility to add Windows drivers, service packs, and hotfixes to the BMR master server so they can be used in a restore. Runs on Windows boot servers.


bmrrst.exe and bmrmap.exe (Windows systems only). Utilities that restore Windows Bare Metal Restore clients. Run on the restoring client.


bmrepadm. A utility that manages Bare Metal Restore the external procedures that are used during restores. Runs on the master server.


bmrovradm. A utility that manages custom override functions for Bare Metal Restore.


bmrlauncher. A utility that prompts for IP information in the new Windows Fast Restore environment.