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Archive import options

In Archive name that contains the selected user objects, specify the name of the archive that contains the database objects that have been selected for import. This field is required.

Click Ignore existing rows to force inserts to occur into tables that are not empty. This field is optional.

Use Row buffer size to specify the size of the buffer used to insert rows. The size specified is the maximum number of rows inserted into Oracle at a time. Tables with LONG or LOB columns are always inserted one row at a time, so this field will be ignored for only those tables that have LONG or LOB columns. This field is optional.

Click Commit changes after every row buffer insert to commit after each buffer insert. The size of the buffer is determined by Row buffer size. By default, the rows are committed only after inserting all rows into each table, and a rollback is performed if an error occurs. The rows are committed or rolled back in a table before rows are imported into the next table. This field is optional.

Use Ignore existing rows, Row buffer size, and Commit changes after every row buffer insert to control inserting rows into a table that already exists. If Ignore existing rows is selected and an error such as a primary key constrint violation occurs, no data will be inserted if Commit changes after every row buffer insert is not selected. However, if the Commit option is selected, the buffer of rows (size determined by Row buffer size) will not be inserted, but the import process will continue with additional row buffers in the order in which they were exported. To cause all rows that don't violate a primary key constraint to be inserted, select Ignore existing rows, Commit changes after every row buffer insert, and set Row buffer size to 1.

In BFILE directory, specify the directory for the output of any BFILE columns. You must specify the full path name. This field is optional.

The BFILE directory field is only relevant if you have selected a table to be imported that contains a column of type BFILE. The BFILE data type is used in Oracle to refer to external files that are stored in a file system directory. The BFILE data that has been archived will be restored to the directory specified. The directory should also exist in Oracle, and can be created using Oracle's CREATE DIRECTORY command.

In Log file, specify a file name that will receive informational and error messages. The user that is executing the import operation must have the correct operating system permissions on the file. The file will be created if it doesn't already exist. If it does exist, the new log information will be appended to the existing file.

You must specify a full valid pathname for the Log file name. This field is optional.