Moving a database that contains full-text catalogs

NetBackup for Microsoft SQL Server extends the move template when a database contains a full-text catalog by including the following text:

#  Replace the full text catalog directory path 
#  <C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\FTData\HisCatalog> 
#  with a new directory path. Also remove the hash mark <#> which precedes the keyword 
#  The target of the MOVE keyword must be "sysft_HisCatalog". 
MOVE  "sysft_HisCatalog"
#TO  "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\FTData\HisCatalog"

Modify the target directory path in the template. The name sysft_HisCatalog is the logical name of the file that contains the full-text directory named HisCatalog. NetBackup creates this name by prepending the catalog name with "sysft_".