
nbftconfig — configure the attributes that are associated with Fibre Transport (FT) servers and SAN clients


<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig [-addclient] [-deleteclient] [-changeclient] [-rescanclient] [-listclients] [-addserver] [-deleteserver] [-changeserver] [-listservers] [-listactive] [-setconfig] [-getconfig] [-verbose] [-help]

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[ac]addclient -C client_name [-M master_server] [-ftpref preferred | always | never] [-ftwait minutes] [-ftrwait minutes]

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[dc]deleteclient -C client_name

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[cc]changeclient -C client_name {-ftpref preferred | always | never] [-ftwait minutes] [-ftrwait minutes] | -np number_of_ports}

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[rc]rescanclient client_name

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[lc]listclients [-verbose] [-C client_name | -Me media_server | -M master_server]

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[as]addserver -Me media_server [-M master_server] [-l connection_limit] [-state active | disabled]

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[ds]deleteserver -Me media_server

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[cs]changeserver -Me media_server [-l connection_limit] [-state active | disabled]

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[ls]listservers [-Me media_server | -M master_server] [-verbose]

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[la]listactive [-C client_name | -Me media_server] [-verbose]

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -[lt]listtargets [-Me media_server] [-verbose]

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -setconfig [-M master_server] {-ftpref preferred | always | never [-ftwait minutes] [-ftrwait minutes] | -np number_of_ports [-ncp number_of_clients_per_target_port]}

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -getconfig [-M master_server] [-verbose]

<admin_dir_path>nbftconfig -option -help

On Windows systems, <admin_dir_path> is <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\


nbftconfig is a NetBackup utility that modifies the attributes that are associated with the Fibre Transport (FT) server. It also creates the SAN client entities in the EMM database.

The following operations are available by using the nbftconfig command:

  • Add a new SAN client and its attributes to the EMM database.

  • Modify an existing SAN client record.

  • Delete a SAN client.

  • Add a new FT server.

  • Modify the attributes of an existing FT server record.

  • List SAN clients that are defined within the database.

  • List FT servers that are defined within the database.

  • List by all active Fibre Channel connections.

  • List the target port configuration information for FT media servers.



Adds the specified SAN client to the EMM database. SAN clients are normally automatically discovered when the SAN client code is installed on the client. However, if the notification from the client to the EMM server is lost, use this command to manually add the client. The following attributes can be set by using this command option:

-C client_name

Specifies the name of the SAN client that is to be added to the database.

-M master_server

Specifies the master server that is associated with the designated client. If this option is omitted, the local client's master server is used.

-ftpref preferred | always | never

Determines if the Fibre Channel connections to the media server are preferred, must always be used, or should never be used. If preferences are not provided, master server defaults are used. This value is set by default according to the global defined for the EMM server.

-ftwait minutes

Defines the number of minutes that a backup job should wait for an available Fibre Channel connection before it uses a standard network connection. This option is valid only when the ftpref type is set to preferred.

-ftrwait minutes

Defines the number of minutes that a restore job should wait for an available Fibre Channel connection before it uses a standard network connection. This option is only valid when the ftpref type is set to preferred.

-np number_of_ports

Defines the maximum number of client ports that can be simultaneously used on a single media server. If the maximum number of client ports is set to 0, then all ports are used. The default number of client ports is 2.


Deletes the specified client from the EMM database. The following attribute may be included with this option.

-C client_name

Specifies the name of the SAN client that is to be deleted from the database.


Changes the options that are associated with a specific SAN. The following attributes can be set by using this command option:

-C client_name

Specifies the name of the SAN client that is to be added to the database.

-ftpref preferred | always | never

Determines if the Fibre Channel connections to the media server are preferred, must always be used, or should never be used. If preferences are not provided, master server defaults are used. This value is set by default according to the global defined for the EMM server.

-ftwait minutes

Defines the number of minutes that a backup job should wait for an available Fibre Channel connection before it uses a standard network connection. This option is valid only when the ftpref type is set to preferred.

-ftrwait minutes

Defines the number of minutes that a restore job should wait for an available Fibre Channel connection before it uses a standard network connection. This option is only valid when the ftpref type is set to preferred.


This operation scans the client for new FT devices. The following attributes can be set by using this command option:

-C client_name

Specifies the name of the SAN client to scan.


Displays the list of SAN clients and attributes that are associated with the clients. By default all SAN clients are listed with a subset of attributes. The information output by the listclients operation depends on whether all clients are listed or the attributes associated with a specific SAN client.

The following attributes can be set by using this command option:

-C client_name

Specifies the name of the SAN client whose information you want listed. If this attribute is omitted, listclients lists the information for all clients that are attached to the designated media server or master server.

-Me media_server

Specifies the name of the FT server for whose attached clients you want the information listed.

-M master_server

Specifies the master server that is associated with the FT servers. If this option is omitted, all FT servers are returned.


The output can be displayed in verbose mode and non-verbose mode (by default). When all clients are listed (including all clients by master or media server), the information appears for multi-client, verbose mode output.

The following information appears in verbose mode for the client record:

SAN client name

Version - Client NBU software version

State -SAN client state

Master server name

Number of FT servers to which the SAN client can connect

Usage preferences (see addclient)

Usage preference wait period (See addclient)

If a specific SAN client is included in the listclients command, then the information is displayed for that client (single client output):

The following information appears in verbose mode for the client device records:

SAN client device state

Media server name

Media server state

Media server HBA port number on which a device was discovered

Media server HBA port mode

LUN - The LUN that is associated with the HBA Port

The default condition is non-verbose mode output. The output information is the same as for verbose mode in space-separated text format. Client records start with the letter "c" and device records start with the letter "d".


Adds a Fibre Transport server to the EMM database. This operation may not be needed because FT servers are normally added automatically. It is included to allow the manual deletion of an FT server; it does not delete the server from the media servers database. To change server parameters, -addserver restarts the FT server daemon and causes FSM to reinsert the server as if it were a newly created server.

The following attributes can be set by using this command option:

-Me media_server

Specifies the name of the FT server to be added.

-M master_server

Specifies the master server that is associated with the designated media server.

-l connection_limit

The maximum number of connections that the FT server supports. This number is the total for the server and not per LUN or HBA. If this option is omitted, the FT server's default connection limit is used.

-state [active | disabled]

Identifies the assigned state of the FT server. The possible values are Active and Disabled.


Deletes the specified client from the EMM database. The following attribute can be set by using this command option:


Specifies the name of the FT server to be deleted. There should be a confirmation step in the CLI operation to ensure that the customer is aware of the consequences of an FT server deletion. If you delete the server, the FT server daemon terminates. If the FT server is added back, it may be necessary to reboot the client to rediscover the FT server.


Changes the attributes that are associated with an FT server. The following attributes can be set by using this command option:

-Me media_server

Specifies the name of the FT server to be changed.

-M master_server

Specifies the master server that is associated with the designated media server.

-l connection_limit

Specifies the maximum number of connections that the FT server supports. This number is the total for the server and not per LUN or HBA. If this option is omitted, the FT server's default connection limit is used.

-state [active | disabled]

Identifies the assigned state of the FT server. The possible values are Active and Disabled.


This operation is used to display the list of FT servers and attributes that are associated with the servers. By default all FT servers are listed:

The following options are associated with the listservers command:

-Me media_server

Specifies the name of the media server whose attached FT servers are to be listed.

-M master_server

Specifies the name of the master server whose attached FT servers are to be listed.


Specifies a detailed output for the server information.

The output can be displayed in verbose mode and non-verbose mode (by default). When all clients are listed (including all clients by master or media server), the information appears for multi-client, verbose mode output.

The following output information appears in verbose mode for the server record:

SAN client name

FT Server name

Version - Server NBU software version

State -FT Server state

Connection limit

If a specific SAN client is included in the listclients command, then the information is displayed for that client (single client output):

The following output information appears in verbose mode for the client device records:

FT Server HBA port

FT Server HBA port mode

FT Server device state

Associated LUN

FT Connections - number of active FT Connections on the specific HBA/LUN

The default condition is non-verbose mode output. The output information is the same as for verbose mode in space-separated text format. Media server records start with the letter "d" and device records start with the letter "d". Each HBA port number on each server gets a separate line entry in the output.


This operation is used to display the list of specifics on all the target ports on FT media servers. By default all FT servers are listed.

The following options are associated with the listtargets command:

-Me media_server

Specifies the name of the media server whose target port configurations are to be listed. If no media server is specified, the target port information is listed for all FT media servers.


Specifies a detailed output for the server information.

The output can be displayed in verbose mode and non-verbose mode (by default). When all clients are listed, the information appears for multi-client, verbose mode output. The default condition is non-verbose mode output. The output information is the same as for verbose mode in space-separated text format.


Retrieves the default configuration parameters for the FT server and SAN client attributes.

The following options are associated with the -getconfig command:

-M master_server

Specifies the master server that is associated with the FT server. If this option is omitted, the local machine's master server is used.


Specifies a detailed output for the configuration information.


Sets the configuration parameters for the FT server and SAN client attributes. These attributes can be set by using this command option:

-ftpref preferred | always | never

Determines if the Fibre Channel connections to the media server are preferred, must always be used, or should never be used. This value is set by default according to the global defined for the EMM server.

Usage of -ftpref and -np or -ncp is mutually exclusive.

-ftwait minutes

Defines the number of minutes that a backup job should wait for an available Fibre Channel connection before it uses a standard network connection. This option is required only when the ftpref type is set to preferred.

-ftrwait minutes

Defines the number of minutes that a restore job should wait for an available Fibre Channel connection before it uses a standard network connection. This option is required only when the ftpref type is set to preferred.

-ncp number_of_clients_per_target_port

Specifies the maximum number of clients per target port that are allowed on any FT media server.

-np number_of_ports

Specifies the number of initiator ports on a client that can be used with one FT media server.


Lists the active FT connections. At a minimum, the following information should be obtainable from this command for each FT connection:

SAN Client Name

Client HBA Number

FT Server Name

Server HBA number

FT Channel - Number of the FT Channel



Job Number

The following options are associated with the listactive command:

-C client_name

Specifies the name of the SAN client whose active FT connections you want listed. If this attribute and the media server attribute are omitted, -listactive lists the information for the local machine's master server.

-Me media_server

Specifies the name of the FT server from whose attached clients you want the FT connections listed.


Specifies a detailed output for the FT connection information.



This example lists FT configuration values for master server wendigo in verbose mode. These values are set in the nbftconfig -getconfig command.

./nbftconfig -getconfig -verbose
Master Server	: wendigo.min.veritas.com
Client Ports/Server: 2
Clients/Target port: 2
FT Preference	: preferred
Backup Wait Time   : 15
Restore Wait Time  : 5


This example shows how the -listtargets option lists the configuration specifics for all the target ports on FT media server wendigo in verbose mode.

./nbftconfig -listtargets -verbose
FT Server Name   : wendigo.min.veritas.com

FT Server HBA Port   : 1
FT Server Port WWN   : 21:00:00:E0:8B:8F:CC:79
FT Server Port Mode  : PTP
FT Server Port Model : QLA234x Series FC Hba
FT Server Port Vendor: Qlogic
		FT Server Device State   : active
		Associated LUN		 : 0
		Active Connections on LUN: 0

		FT Server Device State   : active
		Associated LUN		 : 1
		Active Connections on LUN: 0

FT Server HBA Port   : 0
FT Server Port WWN   : 21:01:00:E0:8B:AF:CC:79
FT Server Port Mode  : DISCONNECTED
FT Server Port Model : QLA234x Series FC Hba
FT Server Port Vendor: Qlogic
		FT Server Device State   : active
		Associated LUN		 : 0
		Active Connections on LUN: 0

		FT Server Device State   : active
		Associated LUN		 : 1
		Active Connections on LUN: 0