
nbcplogs — copy all NetBackup logs to a designated destination


<nbu_support_dir_path>nbcplogs destination | -f ###-###-### [-s mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss | mm/dd-hh:mm] [-e mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss | mm/dd-hh:mm] [-d valued | valueh | valuem]

On Windows systems, <nbu_support_dir_path> is <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\support\


The nbcplogs command copies logs from various locations in the NetBackup system to a common area where you can more easily troubleshoot a problem. This utility lets you determine what logs are copied. To reduce the size of the copied logs, you can use the time frame option to specify a start time and an end time.



Specifies the destination of the logs to be collected.

-f | --ftp ###-###-###

Enables the direct uploading of logs to customer support by using file transfer protocol (ftp). The utility bundles and compresses the logs before it uploads them. ###-###-###, the destination of the log files, is the Titan ID that Customer Support supplies.

-s | --start mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss | mm/dd-hh:mm -e | --end mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss | mm/dd-hh:mm

Sets the start time (-s) or the end time (-e) for the collection of logs.

The -s option specifies a start date and time for the logs. If no corresponding -e option is used, the utility collects all log data from the start time to the present.

The -e option specifies an end date and time for the logs. If no corresponding -s option is used, the utility collects all log data present in the log files up to the end date.

-d | --duration valued | valueh | valuem

Sets the duration of the log data to be collected. The time units of the duration can be in d[ays], h[ours], or m[in]. For example:

--duration 5hrs /tmp/logs
-l | --logslog_type[.sub] [,...]

Limits the log types that are collected to only those specified on the command line. The sub option lets you specify a sub-category of a log type. If no log types are specified, all log types are copied.



The following command example uploads the last 24 hours of logs to customer support by default. The 123-123-123 is the Titan ID that Technical Support supplies.

# nbcplogs --ftp 123-123-123


This example gathers all log data for the last 30 minutes and sends the data to customer support . The utility found no vault log entries. It prompts the user to determine if enough disk space is available for the data transfer. The utility lists each log type as its entries are copied.

# nbcplogs -d 30m -ftp 123-123-123
	from "Fri May 29 13:19:37 2009" to "Fri May 29 13:49:37 2009"
	ctrl+c to cancel
	logs not found  : vault
	uploading to ftp.entsupport.symantec.com:/pub/support/incoming/123-123-123
	Is there at least 429 MBs disk space available in /tmp? (y/N) y
	copying ...
	copying dberror : /usr/openv/netbackup/db/error  
	copying nbu	 : /usr/openv/netbackup/logs  
	copying pbx	 : /opt/VRTSpbx/log  
	copying trylogs : /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/trylogs  
	copying vxul	: /usr/openv/logs  
	copying dberror : /usr/openv/netbackup/db/error  


This example copies all volmgr logs between 1:00 and 2:00.

# nbcplogs --start 01:00 --end 02:00 --logs volmgr /tmp/logs