NBCCR — run the NetBackup consistency check repair (NBCCR) utility that repairs NBU database inconsistencies.


<nbu_support_dir_path>nbccr [-passid passid] [-datapath path] [-volumedatabasehost volDB_host] [-h] [-versionhistory] [-use_reg_cmd [32 | 64]] [-v]

On Windows systems, <nbu_support_dir_path> is <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\support\


The NBCCR command executes the NBCCR utility that is used to apply the repair actions that are related to tape. The repair actions are contained in a Suggested Repair Actions (SRA) file. This utility executes NetBackup commands to perform these repairs. Symantec Technical Support generates the SRA file based on an analysis of data that the NBCC command collects. The NBCCR command should be run only at the direction of Symantec Technical Support. It should be used only to apply repairs in an SRA file generated by Symantec Technical Support. The NBCCR command creates a history file containing the results of each repair action attempted.

The following items can cause inconsistencies: improper use of command-line commands, attempts to restore corrupted data, or improper decommission of a media server. A full file system can also cause inconsistencies.

More information about the NBCCR utility is available in the Using NetBackup Utilities section of the NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide.


-datapath pathname

Specifies the full path or relative path of the directory that contains the repair actions file and the history file (default file names NBCCA.SRA.txt and NBCCA.history.txt). The default is the current directory. Do not include a trailing "/" or "\" character in the pathname.

-emmpw password

Specifies the name of the EMM password if different than the default password.


Outputs the extended help information and exits.

-passid password

Specifies a string (no embedded spaces allowed) that is prepended to the default input and output file names. The default is the null string, the default repair action file name is NBCCA.SRA.txt, and the default history file name is NBCCR.history.txt.

-sra filename

Specifies the suggested repair action (SRA) file name. The default name is NBCCA.SRA.txt.


Specifies the verbose mode. When -v is used with the -h option, a verbose version of the help is output.

-use_reg_cmd [32 | 64]

Forces NBCCR to use the Reg.exe utility to query the Windows registry. The version of Reg.exe that supports the /reg:32 or the /reg:64 command line parameters must be installed so that this option works correctly.

This option operates only on Windows systems.


Prints the version of the NBCCR utility and exits.