<admin_dir_path>bpstsinfo -serverinfo | -si [-servername | -sn server_name] [-serverprefix server_prefix] [-remote remote_server,...] [-remote remote_server [-remote remote_server...] ]
<admin_dir_path>bpstsinfo -lsuinfo | -li [-servername | -sn server_name] [-serverprefix server_prefix] [-lsuname lsu_name,...] [-filteronimagemodetype [ STS_SA_IMAGE | STS_SA_OPAQUEF | STS_SA_CLEARF] [-remote remote_server [-remote remote_server...] ]
<admin_dir_path>bpstsinfo -imageinfo | -ii [-servername | -sn server_name] [-serverprefix server_prefix] [-lsuname lsu_name,...] [-imagename image_name] [-imagedate image_date] [[-imagedatestart image_date] [-imagedateend image date]] [-imagetype STS_FULL_ONLY | STS_INCR_ONLY] [-remote remote_server [-remote remote_server...] ]
<admin_dir_path>bpstsinfo -imagegrouplist | -igl [-servername | -sn server_name] [-serverprefix server_prefix] [-lsuname lsu_name,...] [-imagename image_name] [[-imagedatestart image_date] [-imagedateend image date]] [-imagetype STS_FULL_ONLY | STS_INCR_ONLY ] [-remote remote_server [-remote remote_server...] ]
<admin_dir_path>bpstsinfo -comparedbandstu | -cdas -servername | -sn server_name | -storage_server storage_server -serverprefix server_prefix | -stype server_type [-lsuname lsu_name],... -oldservervolume old_sts_server:old_volume [-oldservervolume old_sts_server:old_volume ...] [-remote remote_server [-remote remote_server...] ]
The bpstsinfo command displays the attributes for plugins, storage servers, logical storage units (LSUs), and the images that reside on disk. The command also compares images old and current servers and volumes, displays all image IDs for an image group, and deletes a specified image. A log of the command activity is sent to the NetBackup admin log file for the current day. All errors for this command go to stderr.
Only authorized users can run this command.
For more information about NetBackup authorization, refer to the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
Only one of the following options can be specified on a single command line.
Prints the plugin information for internal and external plugins on the system. When you use -plugininfo with no sub-options, all plugins are printed. Use with -serverprefix to restrict the printout to only the plugin with the specified prefix. Use -stype to restrict the printout to only plugins of the specified storage server type.
For a given image and image group type, print all associate image IDs
Compares the image information in the catalog to image information on the storage server physical media. The command compares the specified previous OpenStorage server(s) and volume(s) to the current OpenStorage server and volume. This option requires -servername, -serverprefix, -lsuname, -oldservervolume arguments.
Deletes the specified image. This option requires -servername, -serverprefix, -lsuname, -imagename, and -imagedate arguments.
Specifies the disk type that is used with the -diskspaceinfo option to display the aggregated space. Note that SharedDisk applies to NetBackup 6.5 media servers only. An example of the output display:
Disktype: AdvancedDisk TotalCapacity: 100000000 TotalUsed: 10000000
Licensing is based on the TotalCapacity and TotalUsed values.
Limits the LSUs to be printed on the system to the specified image mode type.
Specifies a single image. The following are acceptable formats:
This option can be used with -imageinfo only; it cannot be used with -imagedatestart or -imagedateend.
Optional filter argument. By default, all images are used. Specify MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS to the images to something that is equal to or newer than the image_date.
Optional filter argument. By default, all images are used. Specify MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS to limit the images to something that is equal to or newer than the image_date.
Optional filter argument. By default, all images are used. Specify image_name to limit to only the images that match.
Optional filter argument. By default, both the full and the incremental images are used. STS_FULL_ONLY or STS_INCR_ONLY to limit to only images from a full backup or an incremental backup.
Optional filter argument. By default, all LSUs are used. Specify lsu_name to limit to one LSU for each -lsuname supplied.
Specifies the name of a remote server to query for disk information. The remote server performs the bpstsinfo operation instead of the host on which the bpstsinfo command is executed. You can specify multiple remote servers, one for each -remote supplied.
Specifies the hostname of the STS server. If -servername is not specified, the hostname of the local host is used.
Specifies the vendor-specific string that identifies the OpenStorage storage server type. This option applies only to the OpenStorage disk type.
List the attributes of the NearStore storage server named apricot:
# bpstsinfo -serverinfo -serverprefix "ntap:" -servername apricot ServerInfo: Server Name: apricot Supported Stream Formats: [ TAR ] Server Flags: (STS_SRV_IMAGELIST | STS_SRV_CRED | STS_SRV_CONRW) Media: (STS_LSU_MEDIUM_DISK) Maximum Connections: 128 Current Connections: 4 Supported Interfaces: [ ] Supported Credentials: [ STS_CRED_MD5 ]
List the attributes of the lsu /vol/dsu1 on NearStore storage server apricot:
# bpstsinfo -lsuinfo -serverprefix "ntap:" -servername apricot -lsuname /vol/dsu1 LsuInfo: Server Name: mmnetapp2 LSU Name: /vol/dsu1 description: Attention: Severity: STS_ESNONE Message: Size: 171798691840 Bytes Used: 8895016960 Maximum Transfer: 2048 Block Size: 4096 Resident Images: 47 SaveAs: (STS_SA_CLEARF | STS_SA_IMAGE) Media: (STS_LSU_MEDIUM_DISK)
List the attributes of the images on the lsu /vol/dsu1 on the NearStore storage server apricot:
# bpstsinfo -imageinfo -serverprefix "ntap:" -servername apricot -lsuname /vol/dsu1 ImageInfo: Image Name: monel_1119652734_C1_F1 Date: 1119652734 Full Date: Policy: db_backup SaveAs: (STS_SA_CLEARF | STS_SA_IMAGE) Stream Format: TAR Type: STS_IMG_FULL Server Name: apricot LSU Name: /vol/dsu1 Size: 17596416 Block Size: 8192 Exports: /vol/dsu1/nbu_monel_C1_F1.CLF_db_backup_0000(STS_EXFS_NFS) Status: (STS_II_IMAGE_CREATED | STS_II_FILES_CREATED)