This command operates only on Windows systems.
The bpps command lists the process statistics for all processes that run on your system. This command enables you to list a specific process group. It also enables you specify a sample time in seconds (or milliseconds) before it lists the processes.
Print the help screen. If you specify process_group here, it displays the list of processes that are included or excluded when you specify process_group with -i or -x options.
Output a short listing without the header (for example, host name, date, and column headings).
Specify the sample time (default 1 second). The sample time is specified in seconds unless followed by m, which specifies the sample time in milliseconds.
Include the specified process group in the listing (default NB_ALL).
The name of the host computer on which you list group process statistics.
The following is a list of all of the valid process groups and a brief description of each: