<admin_dir_path>bpduplicate [-number_copies number] [-dstunit destination_storage_unit_label [,copy2,...] [-dp destination_volume_pool_name [,copy2,...] [-p | -pb | -PD | -PM] [-Bidfile file_name] [-v] [-local] [-client name] [-st sched_type] [-sl sched_label] [-L output_file [-en]] [-shost source_host] [-policy name] [-s date] [-e date] [-pt policy_type] [-hoursago hours] [[-cn copy_number] | [-primary]] [-M master_server] [-altreadhost hostname] [-backupid backup_id] [-id media_id] [-rl retention_level[,rl-copy2,...]] [-fail_on_error 0|1[,...,0|1]] [-mpx] [-priority number] [-set_primary copy_index] [-bc_only] [-granular_proxy hostname] [-owner media_share_group[,share_group_copy2,...]]
The bpduplicate command allows a copy of a backup to be created. The bpduplicate command can also change the primary copy to enable restoring from a duplicated backup. The primary copy is used to satisfy restore requests and is initially the original copy.
Multiplexed duplications can be created by using the -mpx option. Refer to the discussion of the -mpx option for more information.
The duplicated backup has a separate expiration date from the original. Initially, the expiration date of the copy is set to the expiration date of the original. You can change the expiration date of the copy or the original by using the bpexpdate command.
Use bpduplicate to create up to 10 copies of unexpired backups.
Specify an alternate host from which to read the media. The default condition is that bpduplicate reads the source media from the host that performed the backup.
Specifies the backup ID of a single backup to duplicate or for which to change the primary copy.
Catalogs the granular information (that is, it builds the catalog only). Running this option precludes the need to make another copy of the image, which can improve performance of future browse or restore operations.
file_name specifies a file that contains a list of backup IDs to be duplicated. List one backup ID per line in the file. If this parameter is specified, other selection criteria are ignored.
Also, file_name is removed during the execution of that command line interface (CLI) because the NetBackup GUIs commonly use this parameter. They expect the command-line interface to remove the temporary file that was used for the -Bidfile option upon completion. Direct command-line interface users can also use the option; however, it removes the file.
Specifies the name of the client that produced the originals and is used as search criteria for backups to duplicate. The default is all clients.
When you specify -client with the -npc option to change the primary copy, NetBackup first searches for the backup ID that belongs to the client. This search is useful if the client name has changed.
Determines the copy number to duplicate. Valid values are 1 through 10. The default is 1.
Specifies the volume pool for the duplicates. NetBackup does not verify that the media ID that is selected for the duplicate copy is not the same media ID where the original resides. Therefore, to avoid the possibility of a deadlock, specify a different volume pool than where the original media ID resides. The default pool name is NB_duplicates.
Specifies the destination storage unit. This parameter is required to duplicate backups. Do not specify this option to preview backups to be duplicated (-p, -pb, -PM, or -PD options) or to change the primary copy (-npc option). This option does not have a default.
Specifies the end (-e) or start (-s) of the range of dates and times that include all backups to duplicate. The default end date is the current date and time. The default start time is 24 hours before the current date and time.
The required date and
time values format in NetBackup commands varies according to your
locale. The /user/openv/msg/.conf
file (UNIX and Linux) and the install_path\VERITAS\msg\LC.CONF
(Windows) contain information such as the date-time formats for
each supported locale. The files contain specific instructions on
how to add or modify the list of supported locales and formats.
More information is available about the locale of your system.
See the "Specifying the locale of the NetBackup installation" topic in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II.
Specifies whether to fail the other duplications if the copy fails, where:
Overrides the defined Exchange granular restore proxy host for a duplication operation. This host catalogs the granular information if duplicated to tape. By default, the defined Exchange granular restore proxy host is the original Exchange client for the backup.
Specifies the number of hours before the current time to search for backups. Do not use with the -s option. The default is the previous midnight.
Search the image catalog for backups to duplicate that are on this media ID. If the original is fragmented between different media IDs, NetBackup duplicates only the backups that exist on the specified media ID. Backups that span media are duplicated, but not any other backups on the spanned media ID.
Specifies the name of a file in which to write progress information. The default is not to use a progress file.
Include the -en option to generate a log in English. The name of the log contains the string _en. This option is useful to support the personnel that assist in a distributed environment where different locales may create logs of various languages.
When bpduplicate runs from a host other than the master server and -local is not used (default), the following occurs: It starts a remote copy of the command on the master server. The remote copy allows the command to be terminated from the Activity Monitor.
Use this option to prevent the creation of a remote copy on the master server. You can also run bpduplicate only from the host where it was initiated.
If the -local option is used, bpduplicate cannot be canceled from the Activity Monitor.
Specifies the master server that manages the media catalog that has the media ID. If this option is not specified, the default is one of the following:
The NetBackup server supports only one server (the master) with no remote media servers. Therefore, the default in this case is always the NetBackup server master where you run the command.
On the NetBackup Enterprise Server, if the command is run on a master server, then that server is the default. If the command is run on a media server that is not the master, then the master for that media server is the default.
Specifies that when you duplicate multiplexed backups, NetBackup creates multiplexed backups on the destination media, which reduces the time to duplicate multiplexed backups.
If backups in the previous categories are encountered during duplication, NetBackup duplicates them first and uses non-multiplexed duplication. It then duplicates the multiplexed backups by using multiplexed duplication.
If all the backups in a multiplexed group are not duplicated, the duplicated multiplexed group has a different fragment layout. (A multiplexed group is a set of backups that are multiplexed together during a single multiplexing session.)
If this option is not specified, all backups are duplicated by using non-multiplexed duplication.
For more information on multiplex operations, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide.
Allows the primary copy to be changed. The value can be 1 through 10. The -backupid option must be specified with this option.
Specifies the number of copies to be created. Without the Inline Tape Copy option or NetBackup Vault extension that is installed, the value can be set to 1 only. The default is 1.
Use with -dstunit, -dp, -fail_on_error, and -r1:
-number_copies 2 -dstunit stunit-copy1,stunit-copy2 -number_copies 2 -dp pool1, pool2
Specifies the share group for the duplicate. Specify a share group for each copy that you specify.
Previews backups to be duplicated according the option settings, but does not perform the duplication. Displays the media IDs, server name, backups that are not candidates for duplication (and why), and information about the backups to be duplicated.
Previews the duplication but does not perform the duplication. Similar to the -p option, but does not display information about the backups.
Same as the -PM option, except that it sorts and displays the backups by date and time (newest to oldest).
Displays the information on the backups to be duplicated according to the option settings, but does not perform the duplication. This format first displays the backup IDs that cannot be duplicated and the reason why (for example, the backup already has two copies). It displays the following information about the backup: Date and time of the backup, policy, schedule, backup ID, host, media ID or path, copy number, and whether the copy is the primary copy:
Searches for backups to duplicate in the specified policy. The default is all policies.
Sets a backup policy to run at a lesser or a higher priority than disk staging duplication.
Search for the backups that the specified policy type created. The default is any policy type.
Informix-On-BAR Oracle Macintosh MS-Exchange-Server MS-Windows MS-SharePoint MS-SQL-Server NDMP Netware OS/2 Standard Sybase
AFS DataTools-SQL-BackTrack DB2 Enterprise-Vault FlashBackup SAP Split-Mirror
Provides a retention level for each copy that you specify.
If no retention levels are specified, the expiration date of the original copy is used for each copy. If a retention period is indicated, the expiration date for the copy is the backup date plus the retention period.
For example, if a backup was created on May 14, 2007, and its retention period is one week, the new copy's expiration date is May 21, 2007.
A value of -1 indicates that the original expiration date is used for the copy.
Specify a new copy to become the primary copy.
copy_index is one of the following:
0 = Do not change the primary copy (default)
1 = First new copy is the primary copy
2 = Second new copy is the primary copy
3 = Third new copy is the primary copy, and so on.
copy_index cannot be greater than the -number_copies value.
If the copy specified to be the primary copy fails, but other copies are successful, the primary copy does not change from its current value.
Specifies that only the backups that are created on the specified backup server are considered for duplication. The default is to consider all backups regardless of the backup server.
Search for backups to duplicate that the specified schedule created. The default is all schedules.
Search for backups to duplicate that the specified schedule type created. The default is any schedule type.
INCR (differential-incremental backup)
Selects the verbose mode. When you specify the debug logs or progress logs, it includes more information.
The following command
lists backups with a copy number of 1. They were backed up by the
policy that is named stdpol
, and
created between July 1, 2009, and August 1, 2009.
# bpduplicate -PM -cn 1 -policy stdpol -s 07/01/09 -e 08/01/09
The following command creates a duplicate copy of the backup IDs in file name plum. It duplicates copy 1 to copy 5 on storage unit Tape_stu of pool NBU.
# bpduplicate -Bidfile plum dstunit Tape_stu -dp NBU -cn 1 -dcn 5
The following command can be all on one line, or you can use a backslash continuation character. The command duplicates copy 1 of the backups that are listed in file bidfile in the tmp directory. The destination storage unit is unit1 and the destination pool is dup_pool. Progress information is written to bpdup.ls.
On Windows systems: # bpduplicate -dstunit unit1 -Bidfile C:\tmp\bidfile -L C:\tmp\bpdup.ls -dp dup_pool -cn 1
The following command can be all on one line, or you can use a backslash continuation character. It is the same as the previous example, except multiplexed backups are duplicated when you select multiplexed duplication.
On Windows systems: # bpduplicate -dstunit unit1 -Bidfile C:\tmp\bidfile -mpx -L C:\tmp\bpdup.ls -dp dup_pool -cn 1