
bpconfig — modify or display global configuration attributes for NetBackup


<admin_dir_path>bpconfig [-cd seconds] [-ha hours] [-kl days] [-kt days] [-ma [address]] [-sto seconds] [-mj number] [-period hours] [-prep hours] [-to seconds] [-max_copies number] [cleanup_int hours] [cleanup_wait minutes] [-tries times] [-wi minutes] [-pui minutes] [-v] [-M master_server,...]

<admin_dir_path>bpconfig [-L | -l | -U [-v] [-M master_server,...]]

On Windows systems, <admin_dir_path> is <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\


The bpconfig command modifies or displays the NetBackup global configuration attributes. These attributes affect operations for all policies and clients. With the exception of the NetBackup administrator's email address, the default values for these attributes are adequate for most installations.

See the NetBackup Global Attributes section in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, which describes the implications of setting the attribute values.

The following describes the two forms of bpconfig:

  • The first form of bpconfig modifies one or more of the NetBackup global configuration attributes. At least one option that changes a NetBackup global configuration attribute must be on the command line.

  • The second form of bpconfig displays the current settings of the NetBackup global configuration attributes. See DISPLAY FORMATS for more detail.

Errors are sent to stderr. A log of the command's activity is sent to the NetBackup admin log file for the current day.


-cd seconds

Specifies the number of seconds that is the Compress-image-Database time interval. When seconds is an integer, an image compresses after this number of seconds has elapsed since the creation of the image. The range of values is 86400 to 2147472000. On Windows, NetBackup uses NTFS file compression only if the database is in an NTFS partition. Otherwise, it is not compressed. The default is zero (0), which means no compression is done.

The effect of compression is that the image database needs less disk space. However, you need to decompress the images before you browse the image database for restoring. If you browse first, the compressed images are not found. To decompress the images, you must use the bpimage command.

-cleanup_int hours

Specifies the minimum period of time (in hours) that can elapse without a catalog cleanup. The default value is 12 (hours). Since cleanup cannot run during a catalog backup, large 24x7 environments that run long catalog backups may need a shorter cleanup interval (e.g., three hours). Regardless of the value of this option, the image database is automatically cleaned up at the end of a session of scheduled backups.

This option appears in the output display as Image DB Cleanup Interval (see examples).

-cleanup_wait minutes

Specifies the interval (in minutes) between image database catalog cleanup operations. The default value is 60 (minutes). If multiple backups occur during this cleanup wait interval, NetBackup only initiates one cleanup operation in this time period. The range of values is zero (0) to 720.

-ha hours

Specifies the number of hours ago that is the beginning of the time range for selecting NetBackup report entries. The end of the time range is the current time. For example, if hours ago is 24 and if you request a Backup Status report at 10:00 a.m., the report includes the following: All backups that ran from 10:00 a.m. yesterday until 10:00 a.m. today.

This value is used to calculate the time range for general reports and media reports. General reports include Backup Status, Client Backups, Problems, and All Log Entries. Media reports include Media List, Media Summary, Media Contents, Images on Media, and Media Log Entries.

Hours Ago is a positive integer in the range of 1 to 32767. The default value is 24 (hours).

-kl days

The number of days to keep logs. This number determines how long the NetBackup master server keeps its Error database and debug logs.

NetBackup derives its Backup Status, Problems, All Log Entries, and Media Log Entries reports from the Error database.

This value limits the period that these reports can cover. The range of values is 1 to 32767. The default is 28 days. A value of zero (0) turns logs off.


This attribute has no effect on remote media servers or clients (remote media servers apply only to NetBackup Enterprise Server).

-kt days

The number of days to Keep True-image-recovery (TIR) data. This value determines how long to keep TIR information for those policies that specify the collection of TIR information. The default is one (1) day. A value of zero (0) turns off the TIR information.


The list type is long. See the section DISPLAY FORMATS for more detail.


The list type is short. This option is the default if the command line has no list-type option (for instance, if you enter bpconfig and a carriage return). See the section DISPLAY FORMATS for more detail.

-M master_server,...

The master server where the global configuration attributes reside.

-ma [address]

The mail address for the NetBackup administrator. NetBackup sends notification of failed automatic backups, the manual backup operations that the administrator directs, and automatic database backups to this email address. The default is NULL (no email address).

If no address is provided, the current setting of the Admin Mail Address is cleared. Notification is no longer sent by email to the NetBackup administrator.

-max_copies number

The maximum number of copies per backup. The range of values is 2 to 10. The default value is 2.

-sto seconds

The multihosted-media-mount timeout. This timeout is the time in seconds that NetBackup waits for a shared medium to be mounted, positioned, and ready on backups and restores. Use this timeout to eliminate excessive waits if another server uses a shared medium. The default is 0, which means no timeout (unlimited wait time).

See the NetBackup Administrator's Guide for details on multihosted drives.

-mj number

Specifies the maximum jobs per client. This number is the maximum number of jobs that a client can perform concurrently. It must be a positive integer. The range values are 1 to 32767. The default value is 1.

-period hours

The time interval that is associated with the configured number of tries for a backup (see -tries). This interval is the period in hours during which NetBackup tries a backup job for a client/policy/schedule combination for as many tries as configured. The hours must be a positive integer. The range values are 1 to 24. The default value is 12 hours.


This attribute does not apply to user-directed backups and archives.

-prep hours

Specifies the preprocessing interval. This interval is the minimum time in hours between client queries to discover new paths when NetBackup uses auto-discover-streaming mode.

The default Preprocess Interval value is four (4) hours. If the preprocessing interval changes, change it back to the default by specifying -prep -1. The preprocessing interval can be set to preprocess immediately by specifying 0 as the preprocess interval for auto discovery on the bpconfig command line. The maximum Preprocessing Interval is 48 hours.

For additional information, see the Policies chapter of the NetBackup Administrator's Guide.

-pui minutes

Specifies the policy update interval, which is how often NetBackup policy updates are processed. The default value is 10 minutes. The range of values is 1 to 1440 (minutes).

-to seconds

Specifies the media-mount timeout. This timeout is the time in seconds that NetBackup waits for the requested media to be mounted, positioned, and ready on backups and restores. Use -to to eliminate excessive waits when you need to mount media manually (for example, when robotic media is out of the robot or off site).

The default is 0, which means no timeout (unlimited wait time). If seconds is not 0, its value range is 1 to 32,767 seconds.

-tries times

The number of retries for a backup during the configured time period (see -period). For a given combination of client, policy, and schedule, NetBackup tries to run a backup job the specified number of times. This option limits the number of backup tries if repeated failures occur.


This attribute does not apply to user-directed backups and archives.

Values for -tries range from 1 to 32767. The default is two tries. If defaults are used for both -tries and -period, NetBackup tries the backup two times in 12 hours.


The list type is user. See DISPLAY FORMATS for more detail.


Selects verbose mode for logging. This option is meaningful only if it runs with the debug log function on. Therefore, the following directory must be defined:

On Windows systems: install_path\NetBackup\logs\admin

-wi minutes

Job Retry Delay. Specifies how often NetBackup retries a job. The default value is 10 minutes. The range of values is 1 to 1440 (minutes).


bpconfig uses the following three different formats to display the current values of the NetBackup global configuration attributes:

  • User Display Format (-U)

    If the command line contains -U, the display format is user. The user display format is the format used by bpadm and the NetBackup graphical-user interfaces. This option produces a list with one global attribute per line. Each line has the form global attribute descriptor: value. This list is similar to the -L format, except that the global attribute descriptors are more explicit. The fields are as follows:

    Admin Mail Address

    Job Retry Delay

    Max Simultaneous Jobs/Client

    Backup Tries (x tries in y hours)

    Keep Error/Debug Logs.

    Max drives this master

    Keep TrueImageRecovery Info.

    Compress Image DB Files.

    Media Mount Timeout

    Display Reports

    Preprocess Interval

    Maximum backup copies

    Image DB Cleanup Interval

    Image DB Cleanup Wait Time

    Policy update Interval

  • Long Format (-L)

    If the command line contains -L, the display format is long. This option produces a list with one global attribute per line, in the format global attribute descriptor: value. The fields are as follows:

    Mail Admin

    Job Retry Delay

    Max Jobs/Client

    Backup Tries

    Keep Logs.

    Max drives per master

    Compress DB Files.

    Media Mnt Timeout

    Display Reports

    Keep TIR Info.

    Prep Interval

    Max backup copies

    DB Clean Interval

    Policy update interval

  • Short Format (-l)

    If the bpconfig command line contains -l or contains no list-format option, the display format is short, which produces a terse listing. This option is useful for the scripts or the programs that rework the list into a customized report format. The list layout is a single line that contains the values for all global attributes. The time units follow the attributes in parentheses for the attributes that are expressed in units of time. The attributes appear in the following order with blanks between them:

    NetBackup administrator email address.

    Job Retry Delay (minutes).

    Time period (hours).

    Maximum simultaneous jobs per client.

    Tries per period.

    Keep logs (days).

    Maximum drives this master.

    Compress the image database interval (seconds; 0 denotes no compression).

    Media mount timeout (seconds; 0 denotes unlimited).

    Multihosted-media-mount timeout (seconds; 0 denotes unlimited).

    Postprocess images flag (0 denotes deferred, otherwise immediately).

    Display reports from <x> hours ago (hours).

    Keep TIR information (days).

    Preprocessing interval (hours).

    Example of how the display formats differ:

    bpconfig runs with each of the three display formats on a NetBackup installation. The NetBackup global attributes are the same for the three displays.

    The first display format, -U, looks like the following:

       bpconfig -U
    	Admin Mail Address:
    	Job Retry Delay:			1 minutes
    	Max Simultaneous Jobs/Client: 1
    	Backup Tries:				 2 time(s) in 12 hour(s)
    	Keep Error/Debug Logs:		28 days
    	Max drives this master:	 0
    	Keep TrueImageRecovery Info:  1 days
    	Compress Image DB Files:	(not enabled)
    	Media Mount Timeout:		0 minutes (unlimited)
    	Display Reports:			24 hours ago
    	Preprocess Interval:		0 hours
    	Maximum Backup Copies:		10 
    	Image DB Cleanup Interval:	12 hours
    	Image DB Cleanup Wait Time:   60 minutes
    	Policy Update Interval:	 10 minutes

    The second display format, -L, looks like the following:

       bpconfig -L
    	Mail Admin:			*NULL*
    	Job Retry Delay:	 1 minutes
    	Max Jobs/Client:	 1
    	Backup Tries:		2 in 12 hours
    	Keep Logs:			 28 days
    	Max drives/master:	 0
    	Compress DB Files:	 (not enabled)
    	Media Int Timeout:	 0 minutes (unlimited)
    	Display Reports:	 24 hours ago
    	Keep TIR Info:		 1 days
    	Prep Interval:		 0 hours
    	Max Backup Copies:	 10 
    	DB Clean Interval:	 12 hours
    	DB Clean Wait Time:	60 minutes
    	Policy Update Interval:10 minutes

    The third display format, -l, looks like the following:

    bpconfig -l
    	*NULL* 1 12 1 2 28 0 0 0 0 1 24 1 0 2 10 60

    The display fields for the -l display are interpreted as follows:

    NetBackup administrator email address has not been set.

    Job Retry Delay is 1 minute.

    Time period is 12 hours.

    Maximum simultaneous jobs per client is 1.

    Tries per period is 2.

    Keep logs for 28 days.

    Maximum drives this master is 0.

    Compress image database interval is 0 seconds; 0 denotes no compression.

    Media mount timeout is 0seconds; 0 denotes unlimited.

    Multihosted-media-mount timeout is 0 seconds; 0 denotes unlimited.

    Postprocess images flag is 1 (immediate).

    Display reports from 24 hours ago.

    Keep TIR information for one (1) day.

    Preprocessing interval is zero (0) hours.

    Catalog database cleanup interval is two (2) hours.

    Catalog database cleanup wait time is 10 minutes.

    Policy update interval is 60 minutes.


An exit status of zero (0) means that the command ran successfully.

Any exit status other than zero (0) means that an error occurred.

If the administrative log function is enabled, the exit status is logged in the administrative daily log under the log directory:

Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\admin

It has the following form:

bpconfig: EXIT status = exit status

If an error occurred, a diagnostic precedes this message.



While the master server kiwi runs, display the global attribute settings on the master server plim:

bpconfig -U -M plim

		Admin Mail Address:		 ichabod@null.null.com
		Job Retry Delay:			10 minutes
		Max Simultaneous Jobs/Client: 1
		Backup Tries:				 1 time(s) in 8 hour(s)
		Keep Error/Debug Logs:		6 days
		Max drives this master:	 0
		Keep TrueImageRecovery Info:  1 days
		Compress Image DB Files:	(not enabled)
		Media Mount Timeout:		30 minutes
		Display Reports:			24 hours ago
		Preprocess Interval:		0 hours
		Maximum Backup Copies:		10 
		Image DB Cleanup Interval:	12 hours
		Image DB Cleanup Wait Time:   60 minutes
		Policy Update Interval:	 10 minutes


Set the Compress-image-database interval to 604800 seconds, so that NetBackup compresses images more than seven days old:

	 bpconfig -cd 604800
		bpconfig -U

		Admin Mail Address:		 *NULL*
		Job Retry Delay:			10 minutes
		Max Simultaneous Jobs/Client: 1
		Backup Tries:				 2 time(s) in 12 hour(s)
		Keep Error/Debug Logs:		28 days
		Max drives this master:	 0
		Keep TrueImageRecovery Info:  2 days
		Compress Image DB Files:	older than 7 day(s)
		Media Mount Timeout:		0 minutes (unlimited)
		Display Reports:			24 hours ago
		Preprocess Interval:		0 hours
		Maximum Backup Copies:		10 
		Image DB Cleanup Interval:	12 hours
		Image DB Cleanup Wait Time:   60 minutes
		Policy Update Interval:	 10 minutes


Set the Media Mount Timeout to 1800 seconds.

	 bpconfig -to 1800
		bpconfig -U

		Admin Mail Address:		 sasquatch@wapati.edu
		Job Retry Delay:			 10 minutes
		Max Simultaneous Jobs/Client:   1
		Backup Tries:				 1 time(s) in 12 hour(s)
		Keep Error/Debug Logs:		3 days
		Max drives this master:		 0
		Keep TrueImageRecovery Info:   24 days
		Compress Image DB Files:		(not enabled)
		Media Mount Timeout:		 30 minutes
		Display Reports:			 24 hours ago
		Preprocess Interval:		 0 hours
		Maximum Backup Copies:		10
		Image DB Cleanup Interval:	12 hours
		Policy Update Interval:	 10 minutes


Windows systems:




See the NetBackup Administrator's Guide for details on Multihosted Drives.