
vmphyinv — inventory media contents of a robotic library or stand-alone drive and update the volume database


<volmgr_dir_path>vmphyinv -rn robot_number] [-rh robot_control_host] [-h device_host][-pn pool_name] [-v volume_group] [-rc1 robot_coord1 -number number] [-drv_cnt count] [-non_interactive] [-mount_timeout timeout] [-priority number] [-verbose]

<volmgr_dir_path>vmphyinv -rn robot_number] [-rh robot_control_host] [-h device_host] -ml media_id:media_id:...:media_id [-drv_cnt count] [-non_interactive] [-mount_timeout timeout] [-priority number] [-verbose]

<volmgr_dir_path>vmphyinv -rn robot_number] [-rh robot_control_host] [-h device_host] [ { { [-slot_range from to] [-slot_list s1:s2:...:sN] } -d density } { { [-slot_range from to] [-slot_list s1:s2:...:sN] } -d density } ] [-drv_cnt count] [-non_interactive] [-mount_timeout timeout] [-priority number] [-verbose]

<volmgr_dir_path>vmphyinv {-u drive_number | -n drive_name} [-h device_host] [-non_interactive] [-mount_timeout timeout] [-verbose]

On Windows systems, <volmgr_dir_path> is <install_path>\Volmgr\bin\


Physically inventory the media contents of a robotic library or stand-alone drive and update the EMM database. Based on information in the tape header, vmphyinv mounts each media that the search criterion specifies, reads the tape header, and updates the EMM database.

For more information about this command, refer to the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.

Any authorized user can run this command.

For more information about NetBackup authorization, refer to the NetBackup Encryption Guide.


-rn robot_number

Specifies the Media Manager robot number whose media is inventoried. robot_number should correspond to a robot with already configured drives. vmphyinv inventories each of the media, having robot_number in the volume database of robot_number.

-rh robot_host

Specified the name of the host that controls the robot. If no host is specified, the host where this command is executed is assumed.

-h device_host

Specifies the device host name. This option is used to obtain the Enterprise Media Manager Server name. If not specified, the current host is used to obtain the EMM server name.

-pn pool_name

Specifies the case-sensitive pool name of the volumes, which corresponds to the robot that the -rn option specifies, which need to be inventoried. Valid only when the -rn option is specified.

-priority number

Specifies a new priority for the inventory job that overrides the default job priority.

-v volume_group

Specifies the volume group of the volumes, that correspond to the robot that the -rn option specifies, which need to be inventoried. Valid only when the -rn option is specified.

-rc1 robot_coord1

Specifies the starting slot of the media that needs to be inventoried. Valid only when the -rn option is specified.

-number number

Specifies the number of slots that start from robot_coord1 that need to be inventoried. Valid only when -rn and -rc1 are also specified.

-ml media_id1:media_id2: ... :media_idN

Specifies a list of media, which need to be inventoried. Valid only when -rn option is specified. If the media ID that is specified does not belong to the specified robot, the media is skipped.

-slot_range from to

Specifies a range of slots that need to be inventoried. If one or more slots are empty, those slots are skipped.

-slot_list s1:s2:...sN

Specifies a list of slots that need to be inventoried. If one or more slots are empty, those slots are skipped.

-d density

Specifies the density of the media. The user must specify the media density and inventory the media by slot range or slot list.

-u drive_number

Specifies the drive index that needs to be inventoried. The drive must contain media and be ready. The number for the drive can be obtained from the Media and Device Management of the Administration Console.

-n drive_name

Specifies the drive name that needs to be inventoried. The drive must contain media and be ready. The name for the drive can be obtained from the Media and Device Management of the Administration Console.


vmphyinv, in the default mode, displays a list of recommendations and asks for confirmation before it modifies the volume database and Enterprise Media Manager Database (if required). If this option is specified, the changes are applied without any confirmation.

-mount_timeout timeout

Specifies the mount timeout in seconds. If the media cannot be mounted within the specified time, the mount request is canceled. The default value is 15 minutes.

-drv_cnt count

Specifies the maximum number of drives that can be used simultaneously by vmphyinv. The total number of configured drives and this value determine the actual number of drives vmphyinv uses. The number of drives that vmphyinv uses is the minimum of the specified drive count and the total number of configured drives. The default is to use all the drives.


Selects the verbose mode. When you specify this option, more information appears. For example, this information consists of the following: The number of available drives, what is found on each tape, and catalog identification if the media is a catalog.



The following command updates the EMM database of robot 1 connected to host shark:

# vmphyinv -rn 1 -rh shark


The following command updates the EMM database of robot 7 connected to host whale. Only the media that belongs to the pool name "some_pool" is inventoried:

# vmphyinv -rn 7 -rh whale -pn some_pool


The following command updates the EMM database of robot 3 connected to host dolphin. Only the media A00001, A00002, A00003 is inventoried.

# vmphyinv -rn 3 -rh dolphin -ml A00001:A00002:A00003


The following command updates the EMM database of robot 2 of type TLD that is connected to host phantom. It only inventories the media in slots 3 to 8.

# vmphyinv -rn 2 -rh phantom -slot_range 3 8 -d dlt


The following command updates the EMM database of stand-alone drive (drive index 3) attached to host tigerfish:

# vmphyinv -u 0 -h tigerfish


vmupdate, vmcheckxxx, vmoprcmd