
vltcontainers — move volumes logically into containers


<nbu_dir_path>vltcontainers -run [-rn robot_number]

<nbu_dir_path>vltcontainers -run -usingbarcodes [-rn robot_number]

<nbu_dir_path>vltcontainers -run -vltcid container_id -vault vault_name -sessionid session_id

<nbu_dir_path>vltcontainers -run -vltcid container_id -f file_name [-rn robot_number] [-usingbarcodes]

<nbu_dir_path>vltcontainers -view [-vltcid container_id]

<nbu_dir_path>vltcontainers -change -vltcid container_id -rd return_date

<nbu_dir_path>vltcontainers -delete -vltcid container_id

<nbu_dir_path>vltcontainers -version

On Windows systems, <nbu_dir_path> is <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\


vltcontainers logically adds to containers the media that was ejected from one or more vault sessions. It can view, set, or change the return date of containers that go off-site or are already at the off-site vault. vltcontainers can also delete a container from the NetBackup and Media Manager catalogs.

You can add media IDs to containers as follows:

  • Use the keyboard to enter the container and the media IDs.

  • Use a keyboard interface bar code reader to scan the container IDs and media IDs. Keyboard interface readers are also known as keyboard wedge readers because they connect (or wedge) between the keyboard and the keyboard port on your computer.

  • Use an input file that contains the media IDs or numeric equivalents of bar codes of all the media that are added to one container. To add media to more than one container, enter the IDs by using the keyboard or a keyboard interface bar code reader. Or, run the vltcontainers command again and specify different container and file name options.

  • Add all the media that a specific session ejects to one container. To add media from a single eject session into more than one container, enter IDs using the keyboard or a keyboard interface bar code reader.

The required date and time values format in NetBackup commands varies according to your locale. The /user/openv/msg/.conf file (UNIX and Linux) and the install_path\VERITAS\msg\LC.CONF file (Windows) contain information such as the date-time formats for each supported locale. The files contain specific instructions on how to add or modify the list of supported locales and formats.

See the "Specifying the locale of the NetBackup installation" topic in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II for more information.

Run the vltcontainers command from a NetBackup master server that is licensed for Vault.

If the following directory with public-write access exists, vltcontainers writes to its daily debug log file (log.DDMMYY where DDMMYY is current date):

Windows systems: install_path\netbackup\logs\vault

Public-write access is required because not all executable files that write to this file can run as administrator or root user.



Changes the default return date for the container. The default return date of a container is the date of the volume in the container that is returned the latest. It requires the -vltcid container_id option.


Deletes the container record from the NetBackup and Media Manager catalogs. You can delete a container only if it contains no media.

-f file_name

Specifies the file from which to read media IDs. All the listed media in the file are added to the container that the -vltcid option specifies. The file can be a list of media IDs (one per line). Or it can be the numeric equivalents of bar codes (one per line) scanned into a file by a bar code reader.

-rd return_date

Specifies the return date for the container.

The return date format depends on the locale setting.

-rn robot_number

Specifies the robot, which is used to determine the EMM Server from which the vltcontainers command should obtain media information. If -rn robot_number is not used, the master server is considered as the EMM server. The only media that can be added to containers is the media in the database on the EMM server.


Logically adds media to the container. If you specify no other options, you must enter the container IDs and the media IDs by using the keyboard. To use a bar code reader to scan the container and the media IDs, specify the -usingbarcodes option. To add the media that a specific session ejects, use the -vault vault_name and -sessionid session_id options. To add the media that is specified in a file, use the -f file_name option. To specify an EMM server other than the master server, use the -rn robot_number option.

-sessionid session_id

The ID of a vault session. All media that the specified session ejects is added to the container that the -vltcid option specifies.


Specifies a keyboard interface bar code reader that scans container IDs and media IDs, or bar code numbers that are used in the file that -f file_name specifies. Keyboard interface bar code readers (also called keyboard wedge bar code readers) connect between the keyboard and the keyboard port on your computer.

-vault vault_name

The name of the vault to which the profile that ejected the media belongs. You also must specify the ID of the session (-sessionid) that ejected the media to be added to the container.


Displays the vltcontainers version and exit.

-view [-vltcid container_id]

Shows the return date that is assigned to all containers. Use the -vltcid container_id option and argument to show the return date of a specific container.

-vltcid container_id

Specifies the container ID. Container ID can be a string of up to 29 alphanumeric characters (no spaces). The -rd return_date option and argument are required to change a container return date.



Use the following command to:

  • Add the volumes that are ejected from robot number 0 to containers

  • Use a bar code reader to scan the container ID and media ID

# vltcontainers -run -usingbarcodes -rn 0


To view the return date of container ABC123, use the following command:

# vltcontainers -view -vltcid ABC123


To change the return date of container ABC123 to December 07, 2007, use the following command:

# vltcontainers -change -vltcid ABC123 -rd 12/07/2007


To delete container ABC123 from the NetBackup and Media Manager catalogs, use the following command:

# vltcontainers -delete -vltcid ABC123


To add all media that was ejected to container ABC123 by session 4 of vault MyVault_Cntr, use the following command:

# vltcontainers -run -vltcid ABC123 -vault MyVault_Cntr -sessionid 4


To add the media that is listed in the medialist file that is ejected from robot number 0 to container ABC123, use the following command:

Windows systems: # vltcontainers -run -vltcid ABC123 -f 
C:\home\jack\medialist -rn 0


Use the following command to:

  • Add media to container ABC123 that was ejected from a robot that is attached to the master server

  • Read the bar codes for that media from the medialist file

Windows systems: # vltcontainers -run -vltcid ABC123 -f 
C:\home\jack\medialist -usingbarcodes


Vault may exit with a status code greater than 255. Such status codes are called extended exit status codes. For such a case, the exit status that returned to the system is 252. The actual exit status is written to stderr in the format EXIT status = exit status

The extended exit status values are documented in the NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide and in the NetBackup Troubleshooting Wizard.


Windows systems:



vltadm, vltoffsitemedia, vltopmenu