![]() |
<nbu_dir_path>bmrs -operation delete -resource config -name configName -client clientName -resource client -name clientName -resource package -name packageName -resource srt -name srtName -resource discovertasklog -id idvalue -resource restoretasklog -id idvalue
<nbu_dir_path>bmrs -operation complete -resource discovertask -client clientName -status numericStatus -resource restoretask -client clientName -status numericStatus
<nbu_dir_path>bmrs -operation copy -resource config -name configName -client clientName -destination newConfigName
<nbu_dir_path>bmrs -operation retrieve -resource config -client clientName -destination newConfigName [-enddate date] [-epochenddate eEnddate] [-policy policyName]
The bmrs command manages resources in the Bare Metal Restore database. The bmrs command runs only on the master server.
The date for point-in-time restore configurations. If both -enddate and -epochenddate are specified, -epochenddate takes precedence.
The required date and
time values format in NetBackup commands varies according to your
locale. The /user/openv/msg/.conf
file (UNIX and Linux) and the install_path\VERITAS\msg\LC.CONF
(Windows) contain information such as the date-time formats for
each supported locale. The files contain specific instructions on
how to add or modify the list of supported locales and formats.
More information is available about the locale of your system.
See the "Specifying the locale of the NetBackup installation" topic in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II.
List the configurations in the BMR database:
bmrs -operation list -resource config
Copy the current configuration (read-only) and create a new configuration (mynew) that you can edit for client aixp31:
bmrs -operation copy -resource config -name current -client aixp31 -destination mynew
Delete configuration mynew for client aixp31:
bmrs -operation delete -resource config -name mynew -client aixp31
Verify the integrity of shared resource tree aixsrt:
bmrs -operation verify -resource srt -name aixsrt
Specifying -? displays a synopsis of command usage when it is the only option on the command line.
If you use NetBackup Access Management and your user credentials and the machine credentials expire, renew them before you perform prepare-to-restore operations. Use the bpnbat command and -Login option to renew your user credentials. Use the bpnbat command and -LoginMachine option to renew the machine credentials.