NetBackup status code: 631

Message: received an error from bptm request to suspend media

Explanation: The bpsynth process was unable to suspend a media that contained one or more images to be synthesized. A message in the bpsynth legacy log lists the media IDs to be suspended. The bpsynth log also includes a failure message to indicate which particular media in the list was not suspended. media (ordinal) indicates the unsuspended media by means of its order in the list. For example, if the unsuspended media was the second media in the list, the failure message says media (1).

Recommended Action: Examine the bptm debug log for more information on the reason for the suspend failure. The bpsynth process ignores this error and continues to process. It has the potential to fail later if the media with the images to be read gets assigned to another backup or restore job. If the synthetic backup job fails, fix the condition that lead to the suspend failure and retry the job.