Explanation: This error occurs when Vault failed to duplicate any images.
Recommended Action: For more information, review the Vault debug log in the following directory:
UNIX and Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/vault Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\vault
Also review the summary.log in each of the sidxxx directories that had problems:
UNIX and Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/sessions/<vault_name/>sidxxx Windows: install_path\NetBackup\vault\sessions\vault_name\sidxxx
(where vault_name is the name of the vault, and xxx is the session ID)
Look for the log entry that gives the total number of images processed. A common cause of failure is a lack of resources, such as no more media available in the specified pools for duplication. Correct the problem and rerun the Vault job. Note that the NetBackup scheduler retries a Vault job that terminates with this error. Review the admin debug log for induplicate entries and the bptm debug log.