NetBackup status code: 293

Message: eject process has been aborted

Explanation: This error occurs when the eject process is canceled. This error can be encountered during a Vault job or with the vlteject or the vltopmenu eject command.

This error can occur because of one of the following conditions:

Recommended Action: For detailed information about why the process was canceled, review the Vault debug log in the following directory:

	UNIX and Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/vault
	Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\vault

Also review the summary.log in each of the sidxxx directories that had problems:

	UNIX and Linux: 

(where xxx is the session ID)

This error often indicates that the media were left in the off-site Vault volume group but physically reside in the robot or the robotic MAP.

To solve this problem, do one of the following: