Explanation: An open of a file failed.
A disk storage unit tries to write to or create a directory on the root device of the NetBackup server or media server. In this case, the Activity Monitor job details log contains the message "not permitted to root device." By default the absolute path or specified directory for a disk storage unit cannot be on the root file system (or system disk). You must explicitly enable them to be there when the storage unit is created.
Recommended Action: Do the following as appropriate:
If you want the path for the disk storage unit to reside in the root file system: Open the Change Storage Unit dialog box in the Administration Console and select the check box: "This directory can exist on the root file system or system disk."
If the specified path for the disk storage unit is not in the root file system or system device, do the following: Verify that the path is in a mounted file system.
If the specified path for the disk storage unit is in the root file system or system device but does not need to be: Use the Change Storage Unit dialog box to specify a different (non-root) path in a mounted file system.
Check the NetBackup Problems report. Try to determine the file and why the error occurred. A possible cause is a permission problem with the file. For detailed troubleshooting information, create a debug log directory for the process that returned this status code. Then, retry the operation and check the resulting debug log.
For NetBackup Lotus Notes, point-in-time restore jobs may fail with a status 12. These jobs are initiated from the master server by using either the NetBackup Administration Console or the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface. Their failure is reported in the NetBackup tar log file. (For Windows, this file is located in the install_path\NetBackup\logs\tar folder. For UNIX and Linux, it is located in the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/tar folder.) If the install path of the NetBackup master server is different from the install path of the NetBackup client, the following occurs: The automatic restore of Lotus transaction log extents during recovery of the Lotus database fail. Note that the Activity Monitor shows a status 0 (successful). The tar log on the client, however, shows success for the restore but a failure (status 12) for the Lotus database recovery.
Perform the restore job from the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface on the NetBackup client.
For NetBackup Snapshot Client, status code 12 may appear in the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bptm or bpdm log with the following:
tpc_read_config failed: cannot open file /usr/openv/volmgr/database/3pc.conf
This status code may indicate that the policy is configured with either of the following: The NetBackup media server or Third-Party Copy Device as the off-host backup method, but the 3pc. file does not exist or is in the wrong location.
For a FlashBackup policy, if the CACHE= entry follows the source data entry, the backup fails with status code 12. Messages such as the following appear in the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpbkar logs on the client:
09:55:33.941 [6092] <16> bpfsmap: ERR - open_snapdisk: NBU snapshot enable failed error 3 09:55:33.942 [6092] <32> bpfsmap: FTL - bpfsmap: can't open snapshot disk /dev/rdsk/c4t1d0s3 errno 0 09:55:33.950 [6092] <16> bpbkar Exit: ERR - bpbkar FATAL exit status = 12: file open failed 09:55:33.956 [6092] <4> bpbkar Exit: INF - EXIT STATUS 12: file open failed 09:55:33.957 [6092] <2> bpbkar Exit: INF - Close of stdout complete
Change the order of the backup selections list so that the CACHE entry precedes the source data entry. (The source data entry specifies the raw partition that contains the file system to be backed up.)