Audit report options

The nbauditreport command includes options to configure the report output and the order in which the information appears.


The options are case-sensitive.

The following options can be used with the nbauditreport:

nbauditreport -help

Use for assistance with the command at the command prompt.

-sdate <"MM/DD/YY [HH:[MM[:SS]]]">

Use to indicate the start date and time of the report data you'd like to view.

-edate <"MM/DD/YY [HH:[MM[:SS]]]">

Use to indicate the end date and time of the report data you'd like to view.


Use -ctgy POLICY to display the information that is related to policy changes.

Use -ctgy JOB to display the information that is related to jobs.

Use -ctgy AUDITCFG to display information pertaining to auditing configuration changes.

Use -ctgy AUDITSVC to display the information pertaining to the starting and stopping of the NetBackup Audit service (nbaudit)

-user <username[:domainname]>

Use to indicate the name of the user for whom you'd like to display audit information.


If no report output format option (-fmt) is specified, the SUMMARY option is used by default.

The DETAIL option displays a comprehensive list of auditing information. For example, when a policy is changed, this view lists the name of the attribute, the old value, and the new value in the details section.

The PARSABLE option displays the same set of information as the DETAIL report but in a parsable format. The report uses the pipe character (|) as the parsing token between the audit report data.

[-notruncate] [-pagewidth <NNN>] [-order <DTU|DUT|TDU|TUD|UDT|UTD>]

Use the -notruncate option to display the old and new values of a changed attribute on separate lines in the details section of the report.

Use the -pagewidth option to set the page width for the details section of the report.

The -notruncate and -pagewidth options are valid only with the -fmt DETAIL option.

The -order option is valid only with -fmt PARSABLE. Use it to indicate the order in which the information appears.

Use the following parameters:

  • D (Description)

  • T (Timestamp )

  • U (User)