Off-host backup shifts the burden of backup processing to a separate backup agent, which reduces the impact on the client's resources ordinarily caused by a local backup. The client supplies a small amount of information on how data is mapped. The backup agent does the bulk of the work by sending the client's data to the storage device.
The Use and Machine fields designate the backup agent.
Select the type of off-host backup from the Use field:
Select this option to designate a VMware backup host as the backup agent, for VMware virtual machine (guest OS) backup. During restore, this host is called the VMware restore host.
Select the name of the backup host in the Machine pull-down.
To back up a virtual machine that does not have a NetBackup client installed on it, you must select this option. If a NetBackup client is installed on the virtual machine, you can back up the virtual machine in the same way as an ordinary physical host (a snapshot-based backup is not required).
The VMware backup host option requires the FlashBackup-Windows or MS-Windows policy type.
See the NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide for further information.
Select this option to designate another client (alternate client) as the backup agent.
An alternate client saves computing resources on the original client. The alternate client handles the backup I/O processing on behalf of the original client, so the backup has little impact on the original client.
Enter the name of the alternate client in the Machine field.
Select this option to designate the backup agent as one of the following: a NetBackup media server, a third-party copy device that implements the SCSI Extended Copy command, or a NAS filer (Network Attached Storage).
The Data Mover option requires the Standard, FlashBackup, or MS-Windows policy type.
Select the type of data mover in the Machine pull-down:
The use of Perform off-host backup may require additional configuration, as follows:
For the policy storage unit or group of storage units, note:
is not supported for the following data mover types: NetBackup Media Server and Third-Party Copy Device. Disk storage units are not supported for Third-Party Copy Device.
Instead of using a particular storage unit, you can create a storage unit group that designates devices that are configured on the SAN.
For the Third-Party Copy Device option, you must create a mover.conf file. Assistance with this file is available, in the NetBackup Snapshot Client Configuration document.
If you do not have Veritas CommandCentral Storage, and your backup devices do not support identification descriptors (SCSI E4 target descriptors): you may need to edit the 3pc.conf file.
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