About the server.conf file

Symantec recommends that this file not be edited without assistance from technical support. NetBackup may not start if the server.conf file is edited.

Install_path\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\conf\server.conf is read when the SQL Anywhere service is started. The SQL Anywhere service gets all configuration information from this file:

-n NB_server_name -x tcpip(LocalOnly=YES;ServerPort=13785) -gd DBA

-gk DBA -gl DBA -gp 4096 -ti 0 -c 25M -ch 500M -cl 25M -zl -os 1M -o

"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\log\server.log"

Where server_name indicates the name of the SQL Anywhere server. Each Sybase server has a unique name. Use the same name that was used during installation. If a fully qualified name was used at that time, use a fully qualified name here.


If this name is changed, the Enterprise Media Manager cannot connect to the database.

-x tcpip(LocalOnly


Indicates what kind of connections are allowed in addition to shared memory. For example, local TCP/IP connections that use port 13785.

-gp 4096

Indicates the maximum page size (in bytes) for the database. This parameter is given during database creation.


Indicates that character set translation is used. UTF8 encoding is used.

-gd DBA -gk DBA -gl DBA

Indicates that the DBA user is the account used to start, stop, load, and unload data.

-ti 0

Indicates the client idle time that is allowed before shut down. By default, no idle time is allowed, which prevents the database from shutting down.

-c 25M

Indicates the initial memory that is reserved for caching database pages and other server information. The value may be changed for performance reasons.

-ch 500M

Indicates the maximum cache size, as a limit to automatic cache growth. The value may be changed for performance reasons.

-cl 25M

Indicates the minimum cache size, as a limit to automatic cache resizing. The value may be changed for performance reasons.

-o Install_path\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\log\


Indicates the location of server output messages. The messages include start and stop events, checkpoints, error conditions, and cache changing size. This log is not managed, but growth is slow.


Indicates the encryption method. Default: SIMPLE.

