The Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) database contains information about media and the robots and drives that are in NetBackup storage units. The NetBackup Resource Broker queries the EMM database to allocate storage units, drives (including drive paths), and media. The host on which the EMM database resides is called the EMM server.
The EMM database contains the following information:
The EMM database ensures consistency between drives, robotic libraries, storage units, media, and volume pools across multiple servers. The EMM database contains information for all media servers that share devices in a multiple server configuration.
The NetBackup scheduling components use the EMM database information to select the server, drive path, and media for jobs. When the device manager ltid starts up, it reads device information from the EMM database into a shared memory segment. Components on the same host communicate by using shared memory IPC or socket protocols. Socket protocols are used between components across multiple hosts. Command line interfaces are available to obtain run-time (shared memory) information and static device configuration information.