To configure a policy schedule to create multiple copies, use the following procedure.
To configure a schedule to create multiple copies
Double-click an existing policy or select Actions > New > New Policy to create a new policy.
Double-click an existing schedule or click New to create a new schedule.
In the Attributes tab, select Multiple copies, then click Configure.
The Multiple Copies option is disabled if the destination for this policy is a storage lifecycle policy. (The Policy storage selection is on the policy Attributes tab.) NetBackup does not allow the two methods for creating multiple copies to be enabled at the same time.
In the Copies field, specify the number of copies to be created simultaneously. The maximum is four, or the number of copies that the Maximum backup copies setting specifies, whichever is fewer.
Copy 1 is the primary copy. If Copy 1 fails, the first successful copy is the primary copy.
To configure multiple copies as part of a relocation schedule for a basic disk staging storage unit, set the Maximum backup copies Global host property to include an additional copy beyond the number of copies to be created in the Multiple Copies dialog box. For example, to create four copies in the Multiple Copies dialog box, the Maximum backup copies property must be set to five or more.
Specify the priority of the duplication job compared to other jobs in the queue (0 to 99999).
Specify the storage unit where each copy is stored. Select Any Available to allow NetBackup to select the storage unit at runtime.
If a Media Manager storage unit contains multiple drives, the storage unit can be used for both the original image and the copies.
Select what should happen to the copy in the event that the copy does not complete. Select whether the entire job should fail (fail all copies), or whether the remaining copies should continue.
If a copy is configured to allow other copies to continue, and if Take checkpoints every is selected for this policy, only the last failed copy that contains a checkpoint can be resumed.
For tape media, specify who should own the media onto which NetBackup writes the images:
These settings do not affect images residing on disk. Images that reside on shared disks are not owned by any one media server. Any media server with access to the shared pool of disk can access the images.
To configure a basic disk staging relocation schedule to create multiple copies
Double-click an existing basic disk staging storage unit or Select Actions > New > New Storage Unit to create a new basic disk staging storage unit. To create a new basic disk staging storage unit, select the Temporary staging area checkbox and configure the other storage unit selections.
In the Attributes tab, specify the priority that NetBackup should assign to the duplication jobs compared to other jobs in the queue. Range: 0 (default) to 99999 (highest priority).
Select a schedule type and schedule when the policy should run.
Select whether to use an alternate read server by checking Use alternate read server. The alternate server that is indicated is allowed to read a backup image originally written by a different media server.
In the Copies field, specify the number of copies to create simultaneously. Copy 1 is the primary copy. If Copy 1 fails, the first successful copy is the primary copy.
The Maximum backup copies Global host property must include an additional copy beyond the number of copies that are indicated in the Copies field. For example, to create four copies in the Multiple Copies dialog box, set the Maximum backup copies property to five or more.
Specify the storage unit where each copy is stored. If a Media Manager storage unit has multiple drives, it can be used for both the source and the destination.
Select what should happen in the event that the copy does not complete. Select whether the entire job should fail, or whether the remaining copies should continue.
Click OK. If a copy is configured to allow other copies to continue, and Take checkpoints every is selected for this policy, then only the last failed copy that contains a checkpoint can be resumed.
For tape media, specify who should own the media onto which NetBackup writes the images:
These settings do not affect images residing on disk. Images on shared disk are not owned by any one media server. Any media server with access to the shared pool of disk can access the images.
More Information
Use only one method to create multiple copies
Multiple copies schedule attribute
Multiple copies and disk staging storage units