The Cross Mount Points attribute controls whether NetBackup crosses file system boundaries during a Windows 2003 or later or UNIX backup or archive.
Consider the following items when setting the Cross mount points attribute:
Enable Cross mount points to back up all files and directories in the selected path, regardless of the file system.
For example, if root (/) is specified as the file path on a UNIX system, NetBackup backs up root (/) and all files and directories under root in the tree.
NetBackup specifically excludes mapped directories even if Follow NFS and Cross mount points are enabled. To back up mapped directories, include the directories in the file list.
The following entries have the same effect on Windows systems:
Disable to back up only the files that are in the same file system as the selected file path. Prohibit NetBackup from crossing mount points to back up root (/) without backing up all the file systems that are mounted on root. (For example, /usr and /home.)
Cross Mount Points has no effect on UNIX raw partitions. If a raw partition is the root partition and contains mount points for other file systems, the other file systems are not backed up, even if you select .
On UNIX systems only, do not use Cross Mount Points in policies where you use the ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive in the backup selection list.
Do not cross mount points to back up a media server that uses mount points to any disk storage that contains backup images. If the policy crosses mount points, the NetBackup backup images that reside on that disk storage are backed up. The NetBackup BasicDisk disk type and the Enterprise Disk Option disk types use mount points for disk storage.
More Information
Creating separate policies with cross mount points disabled