High water mark setting

The High water mark setting is a threshold that, when reached, signals to NetBackup that the disk storage unit should be considered full. Default: 98%.

As the disk storage capacity grows closer to the High water mark, NetBackup reduces the number of jobs sent to the storage unit. NetBackup does not assign new jobs to a storage unit that is considered full. Once the capacity of the storage unit is less than the High water mark, NetBackup assigns jobs to the storage unit.

Try to prevent the situation where multiple jobs write to a storage unit at one time and fill it to capacity. Once the storage unit is full, none of the jobs can complete and all the jobs fail due to a disk full condition. To reduce the number of jobs that are allowed to write to the storage unit, decrease the Maximum concurrent jobs setting.

If the High water mark is set for a disk staging storage unit, nearing the high water mark triggers a cleanup of the disk staging storage unit until the Low water mark is met.

More Information

Maximum concurrent jobs setting

Low water mark setting

About storage unit settings

About storage units