The vmphyinv command accepts several options for the media to be mounted, as follows:
NetBackup robot number (-rn robot_number).
The vmphyinv utility obtains a list of volume records for that robot and inventories each of the media in the list.
To use this option, the NetBackup configuration must contain a volume record that corresponds to the robot number in the EMM database for the robot.
NetBackup robot number with filter options.
If you do not want to inventory all of the media in a robot, specify a subset of the media by using filter options. Some filter options are volume pool, volume group, or slot range. To use these options, NetBackup volume records must exist.
The following are some filter examples.
NetBackup robot number and a list of media that belong to a specific robot.
For example, if the -rn robot_number and -ml A00001:A00002:A00003 options are specified, only the three specified media are inventoried. If any of these media do not belong to the specified robot, the media are skipped and are not inventoried. To use this option, NetBackup volume records must exist.
NetBackup robot number and a slot range or list.
Sometimes, media from a different robot or some other source are moved to a robot and the media ID on the tape is unknown. In these cases, specify a slot range option or list option.
With these options, the NetBackup volume record does not need to exist in the EMM database. However, you must specify the density (using the -d option).