Configuring drive name rules

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Use the following procedure to configure drive name rules.

To configure drive name rules

  1. Open the New Tape Drive dialog box.

    See Adding a tape drive.

  2. In the New Tape Drive dialog box, click Configure.

    Alternatively, if you use the Device Configuration Wizard, click Configure Drive Name Rules in the Device Hosts screen.

  3. In the Configure Drive Name Rules dialog box, configure the rules for naming drives:

    • To change the global rule, select Global Rule.

    • To create a local rule, select the check box for the device host.

    • Select the fields from which to create the drive name from the list of available fields. Click Add>> to make a field part of the rule.

    • To add own text to the drive name rule, enter the text in the Custom Text field and click the Add button.

    • Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the fields that are defined for the rule.

    • Click Create Rule to finalize the rule.

    If you use <host name> in the rule and the drive is a shared drive, the name of the first host that discovers the drive is used as the host name. The name for a shared drive must be identical on all servers that share the drive.

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