Configuring the nbmail.cmd script

To receive email notifications about backups, the script must be configured for Windows.

Locate install_path\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\nbmail.cmd on a NetBackup master server. If configuring the script on the client, copy nbmail.cmd from a master server to the client. By default, nbmail.cmd does not send email.

The following options are used in the script:


The subject line of the email


Indicates who receives the email.


The originator of the email, though it is not necessarily known to the email server. The default (-i NetBackup) shows that the email is from NetBackup.


The name of the SMTP server that is configured to accept and relay emails.


Suppresses all output to the screen.

Use the following procedure to configure the nbmail.cmd script.

To configure the nbmail.cmd script

  1. Use a text editor to open nbmail.cmd. Create a backup copy of nbmail.cmd before modifying it.

    In some text editors, using the word wrap option can create extra line feeds in the script and render it non-functional.

  2. Most of the lines are informational in nbmail.cmd.

    Locate the following lines in the script:

    @REM @IF "%~4"=="" (
    @REM blat %3 -s %2 -t %1 -i NetBackup -server SERVER_1 -q
    @REM ) ELSE (
    @REM blat %3 -s %2 -t %1 -i NetBackup -server SERVER_1 -q -attach %4
    @REM )
  3. Adjust the fives lines as follows:

    • Remove @REM from each of the five lines to activate the necessary sections for BLAT to run.

    • Replace SERVER_1 with the name of the email server.For example:

      @IF "%~4"=="" (
      blat %3 -s %2 -t %1 -i NetBackup -server -q
      ) ELSE (
      blat %3 -s %2 -t %1 -i NetBackup -server -q -attach %4
  4. Save nbmail.cmd.