Select the processing instructions that NetBackup should follow if it encounters an error during processing:
Specifies that a backup aborts if it fails for a snapshot-related issue after the snapshot is created and while the backup is using the snapshot to back up open or active files on the file system.
The most common reason for a problem after the snapshot is created and is in use by a backup, is that the cache storage is full. If the property is checked (default), the backup job aborts with a snapshot error status if the backup detects a snapshot issue.
This property does not apply to successful snapshot creation. The backup job continues regardless of whether a snapshot was successfully created for the backup job. The property applies only to the snapshot errors that occur after the snapshot is successfully created and is in use by a backup job.
Specifies that if the snapshot becomes invalid during a backup, the volume snapshots for the backup are destroyed. The backup continues with Windows open file backups disabled.
Regarding the file that had a problem during a backup - it may be that the file was not backed up by the backup job. The file may not be able to be restored.