The structure of the input records generated by the NETMON input format depends on the value specified for the fMode parameter.
Name | Type | Description |
CaptureFilename | STRING | The full path of the capture file containing this packet |
Frame | INTEGER | The frame number containing this packet |
DateTime | TIMESTAMP | Date and time at which the packet was sent |
FrameBytes | INTEGER | Total number of bytes in the frame |
SrcMAC | STRING | MAC address of the sender of this packet |
SrcIP | STRING | IP address of the sender of this packet |
SrcPort | INTEGER | TCP port number of the sender of this packet |
DstMAC | STRING | MAC address of the destination of this packet |
DstIP | STRING | IP address of the destination of this packet |
DstPort | INTEGER | TCP port number of the destination of this packet |
IPVersion | INTEGER | IP version of this packet |
TTL | INTEGER | Time-To-Live field of the IP header of this packet |
TCPFlags | STRING | TCP flags field of the TCP header of this packet |
Seq | INTEGER | TCP sequence number of this packet |
Ack | INTEGER | TCP acknowledge number of this packet |
WindowSize | INTEGER | Window size field of the TCP header of this packet |
PayloadBytes | INTEGER | Number of bytes in the TCP payload of this packet |
Payload | STRING | TCP payload of this packet |
Connection | INTEGER | Unique identifier of the TCP connection to which this packet belongs |
Name | Type | Description |
CaptureFilename | STRING | The full path of the capture file containing this connection |
StartFrame | INTEGER | Frame number containing the first packet of this connection |
EndFrame | INTEGER | Frame number containing the last packet of this connection |
Frames | INTEGER | Total number of frames containing packets belonging to this connection |
DateTime | TIMESTAMP | Date and time of at which the first packet of this connection was sent |
TimeTaken | INTEGER | Total number of milliseconds elapsed since the first packet of this connection to the last packet |
SrcMAC | STRING | MAC address of the initiator of this connection |
SrcIP | STRING | IP address of the initiator of this connection |
SrcPort | INTEGER | TCP port number of the initiator of this connection |
SrcPayloadBytes | INTEGER | Total number of bytes in the reconstructed TCP payload sent by the initiator of this connection |
SrcPayload | STRING | Reconstructed TCP payload sent by the initiator of this connection |
DstMAC | STRING | MAC address of the receiver of this connection |
DstIP | STRING | IP address of the receiver of this connection |
DstPort | INTEGER | TCP port number of the receiver of this connection |
DstPayloadBytes | INTEGER | Total number of bytes in the reconstructed TCP payload sent by the receiver of this connection |
DstPayload | STRING | Reconstructed TCP payload sent by the receiver of this connection |
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