| ALL ] * ) COUNT ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] <field_expr_list> ) |
<field_expr_list> | ::= | <field_expr> [ , <field_expr>
... ] |
Returns the number of items in a group.
Specifies that COUNT returns the number of unique values.
DISTINCT can only be used when the query does not make use of the GROUP BY clause.ALL
Applies the aggregate function to all values. ALL is the default.*
Specifies that all records should be counted to return the total number of records, including records that contain NULL values.<field_expr_list>
Specifies that only records for which at least one of the specified field-expressions is non-NULL should be counted.
The following query returns the total number of events in the System event log:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SystemB. COUNT(DISTINCT)
The following query returns the total number of distinct event source names in the System event log:SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SourceName) FROM SystemC. COUNT(*) and GROUP BY
The following query returns the total number of events generated by each event source in the System event log:SELECT SourceName, COUNT(*) FROM System GROUP BY SourceNameD. COUNT( field-expression )
The following query returns the total number of non-null values for the "cs-username" field in the specified IIS W3C log file:SELECT COUNT(cs-username) FROM ex040528.logE. COUNT(*) and WHERE
The following query returns the total number of requests to a page logged in the specified IIS W3C log file:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ex040528.log WHERE cs-uri-stem = '/home.asp'F. COUNT(*), GROUP BY, and HAVING
The following query returns the pages in the specified IIS W3C log file that have been requested more than 50 times:SELECT cs-uri-stem FROM ex040528.log GROUP BY cs-uri-stem HAVING COUNT(*) > 50
Aggregating Data Within
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