This chapter contains the following context-sensitive help
topics for the OS deployment/Profile migration tasks wizard.
Help for the OS
deployment/Profile migration tasks wizard
This chapter provides descriptions of the options and settings
found on each page (and dialog box) of the OS deployment/Profile
migration tasks wizard. This wizard is used to create scripts that
capture or deploy OS images, and capture or restore user profiles.
Scripts can then be scheduled as tasks on target devices on your
network. The wizard is accessed from either the toolbar button or
shortcut menus in the Manage Scripts window (Tools >
Distribution > Manage Scripts).
You can also access this information by clicking the Help button
on the corresponding wizard page itself.
For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use the OS
deployment/Profile migration tasks wizard, and what you need to
know in order to plan and implement image deployment and migration
jobs, see OS deployment and Profile migration.
NOTE: All pages of
the OS deployment/Migration tasks wizard are described here.
However, the pages you actually see when running the wizard depend
on the type of imaging or migration task you selected on the first
page of the wizard.
About the Choose a task
Use this page to specify which type of OSD/profile migration
script you want to create, based on the following tasks:
Capture image: Creates a script that captures
and stores an OS image from a device. Images can be captured using
the built-in LANDesk
imaging tool, or a third-party tool such as Ghost, PowerQuest, or
another tool of your choice.
Capture profile: Creates a script that
captures and stores a device's unique user settings, application
and desktop settings, and files. You can also use this option to
access the Collection Manager dialog box to create a user-initiated
profile migration package that can be run locally at individual
Continue with file capture errors: Allows the
profile capture process to continue even if files designated to be
captured report file errors (such as invalid file names, locked
files, or files that change size during the capture). The profile
capture completes, and file errors are recorded in the log
Deploy image: Creates a script that deploys a
previously captured OS image to target devices.
Deploy image (with profile capture and
restore): Creates a script that performs a comprehensive
deployment and migration job (capturing profile data, deploying an
OS image, and then restoring the profile).
Restore profile: Creates a script that
restores previously captured profile data (user settings,
application and desktop settings, and files to target
Generic DOS tasks: Creates a script that runs
DOS commands (including application launches on devices).
About the General
Use this page to configure the following characteristics of an
OS imaging task.
NOTE: Some of the
options listed below may be disabled, depending on what type of
task (capture or deploy) you selected.
Name: Identifies the script with a unique
name. If the name you enter is already being used, you'll be
prompted to replace the existing script. You should enter a name
that helps you quickly and easily identify the script by its
function or by the intended target devices on your network.
Description: Additional text you can add to
describe the script.
Choose network adapter to use if the driver
autodetection fails: (capture image only) Ensures that the
image deployment job is successful to all target devices.
NOTE: We recommend
that you enable this option, and then select a network adapter that
is common to your systems. This is especially important if you're
deploying to laptops. You should carefully choose a listed network
adapter to ensure your job succeeds.
OS deployment uses a phased approach to network adapter
OS deployment first tries to detect the network
adapter from the target device's operating system prior to imaging
over it.
If that fails, OSD will reboot the target device and
try to detect the network adapter from DOS.
If that fails, OSD uses the network adapter you
specified in the Undetectable network adapters option on this page
of the wizard.
If the adapter you specify fails, you must go to the
target device and manually reboot it. The device will reboot
normally into its original OS.
About the Capture profile — General
Use this page to identify the OS deployment or profile migration
script. The text you enter here is used when the script displays in
the Manage Scripts and Scheduled Tasks windows.
Name: Identifies the script with a unique
name. If the name you enter is already being used, you'll be
prompted to replace the existing script. You should enter a name
that helps you quickly and easily identify the script by its
function or by the intended target devices on your network.
Description: (Optional) Helps you identify the
script with the text you type in here.
Continue with file capture errors: Allows the
capture to continue, even if there are errors during the
NOTE: If you add this
script to the LANDesk
PXE DOS Menu, the description you enter here will appear in the
the Capture image — Credentials page
Use this page to provide authentication credentials for the
network share, or shares, where the OS image and the imaging tool
used to create the image are stored.
NOTE: You can enter
only one set of credentials that will be used to access both
shares, so the shares must have matching credentials. The
credentials must belong to a local user account on the device
hosting the share.
Domain and user name: Identifies a user
account with credentials required for the user to log on to the
network share.
Password/Confirm password: Enter and confirm
the user's password.
About the Capture image —
Image type and path page
Use this page to specify the image type you want to capture with
this script, where the image will be stored, and where the imaging
tool is located.
Image type: Identifies the file type (format)
of the image file captured by this script, selected from the list
of imaging tools.
Enter the UNC path to the desired image, including
the name of the image: Locates the server and share where the
image file will be stored. The image must be stored on a share
accessible by devices. Note that the share name can't include any
spaces. You can enter just the device name in UNC format, then
browse for the remainder of the path by clicking the Browse button.
In some cases, browsing for a path will insert a local path. You
must convert this to UNC format.
NOTE: During the
imaging process, devices will map this UNC path to drive I.
Enter the UNC path to the imaging application,
including the name of the application: Locates the server and
share where the imaging tool (matching the image type selected
above) is located, including the tool's executable filename. Note
that the share name cannot include any spaces. In some cases,
browsing for a path will insert a local path. You must convert this
to UNC format.
NOTE: During the
imaging process, devices will map this UNC path to drive H.
About the Capture image —
Additional commands page
Use this page to customize the script by adding custom
Enter additional commands to run before the end
user device is rebooted and imaged: You can add commands in
this text box, one per line, as if you were typing at a command
prompt. Commands are sent to devices one at a time. These commands
are run after the device is rebooted and imaged.
About the Deploy
image — Methods and credentials page
Use this page to provide authentication credentials for the
network share, or shares, where the OS image and the imaging tool
used to create the image are stored.
Use Multicast: Uses existing multicast domain
representatives on subnets of your network to deploy the OS image
via the LANDesk Targeted Multicast technology. Multicasting lets
you transmit software packages to multiple devices at once,
significantly reducing time and bandwidth requirements. Instead of
sending a package across the wire for each device, only one
transfer is made for each subnet.
NOTE: Before using
multicasting, make sure the multicasting components are in place on
the subnet you're distributing to. Multicasting requires
LANDesk Management
Suite 6.62 or later agents and a LANDesk Management Suite 6.62
or later multicast domain representative.
Image uses SysPrep: Indicates that you used
Microsoft Sysprep to configure the OS image to be deployed.
Selecting this option allows you to specify Sysprep file
information and deployment options later in the wizard.
Use hardware-independent imaging: Select this
option to include the hardware-independent imaging tool in the
imaging process. This tool lets you define a basic image that can
be applied to multiple device models, and then injects drivers onto
each device based on the device manufacturer and model. If you
select this option, you also need to specify hardware-independent
imaging options under the Sysprep options section.
Include profile migration: Integrates both
profile capture and restore processes as part of the image
deployment job. Selecting this option allows you to specify profile
migration options later in the wizard.
Continue with file capture errors: Allows
capture to continue, even if there are errors during the
NOTE: You can enter
only one set of credentials that will be used to access both
shares, so the shares must have matching credentials. The
credentials must belong to a local user account on the device
hosting the share.
Domain and user name: Identifies a user
account with credentials required for the user to log on to the
network share.
Password/Confirm password: Enter and confirm
the user's password.
About the Deploy image —
Multicast discovery page
Use this page to configure the following basic targeted
multicast options for an image deployment script.
Use Multicast domain discovery: Searches for
multicast domain representatives on subnets of your network prior
to using Targeted Multicasting to deploy the image to devices
across the network.
Use Multicast domain discovery and save
results: Searches for multicast domain representatives on
subnets of your network prior to deploying the image, and saves the
resulting data to help facilitate future Targeted Multicasting
Only one discovery's results are saved at a time, so selecting this
option for an image deployment script will replace the results of
the previous discovery.
Use results of last Multicast domain
discovery: Uses the most recent list of discovered multicast
domain representatives when deploying the image to devices.
NOTE: Select this
option only if you've already saved the resulting data of a
multicast domain representative discovery at least once.
Configure advanced Multicast options: Allows
you to further customize Targeted Multicasting behavior for a
deployment script by configuring advanced Multicast options on the
next page of the wizard.
Domain representatives can wake up managed
devices: Use this option if you want computers that support
Wake On LAN technology to turn on so they can receive the
multicast. You can use the Multicast Options dialog box to
configure how long domain representatives wait to multicast after
the Wake On LAN packet has been sent. The default waiting period is
120 seconds.
Number of seconds to wait for Wake on LAN: How
long domain representatives wait to multicast after the Wake On LAN
packet has been sent. The default waiting period is 120 seconds. If
some computers on your network take longer than 120 seconds to
boot, you should increase this value. The maximum value allowed is
3600 seconds (one hour).
About the Deploy image
— Advanced options page
Use this page to configure the following advanced targeted
multicast options for an image deployment script.
Maximum number of Multicast Domain Representatives
working simultaneously: Controls the maximum number of
multicast domain representatives that can actively deploy an image
via Targeted Multicasting at the same time.
Number of days files stay in the managed device
cache: Controls the amount of time the image file being
multicast can reside in the local cache on each target device.
After this period of time, the file will be automatically
Number of days files stay in the multicast domain
representative cache: Controls the amount of time the image
file being multicast can stay in the cache on the multicast domain
representative. After this period of time, the file will be
automatically purged.
Minimum number of milliseconds between packet
transmissions: Controls the minimum amount of time to wait
between sending out multicast packets. This value is only used when
the multicast domain representative is not multicasting a file from
its own cache. You can use this parameter to limit bandwidth usage
across the WAN.
NOTE: If this
parameter is not specified, then the default minimum sleep time
stored on the subnet's multicast domain representative will be
Maximum number of milliseconds between packet
transmissions: Controls the maximum amount of time to wait
between sending out multicast packets.
About the Deploy image —
Image type and path page
This page also appears in the capture image dialog box. Use this
page to specify the type of image you want to restore with this
script, where the image is stored, and where the imaging tool is
Select the image type: Identifies the file
type (format) of the existing image file you want to deploy with
this script, selected from the list of imaging tools.
Enter the UNC path to the desired image...:
Locates the server and share where the image file is stored,
including the image filename. The image must be stored on a share
accessible to devices.
Enter the UNC path to the imaging
application...: Locates the server and share where the imaging
tool (matching the image type selected above) is located, including
the tool's executable filename.
Deploy image to this partition: (Windows PE
images only) Lets you choose the partition on the managed device
that you want the image deployed to. The partition you select
becomes the C drive.
About the
Deploy image — Tool additional commands page
If you're using Powerquest as your imaging tool, you can add
additional Powerquest commands on this page. The page is dimmed if
you didn't select Powerquest as your imaging tool.
About the Deploy image —
Pre-boot commands page
Use this page to customize the script by adding custom
Enter commands to run before the device is
rebooted and imaged: You can add commands in this text box, one
per line, as if you were typing at a command prompt. Commands are
sent to devices one at a time. These commands are run before the
device is rebooted and imaged.
About the Deploy image —
Sysprep options page
Use this page to provide the following information about the
Sysprep file (Sysprep.inf) used by this script to modify the image
being deployed:
Use existing SYSPREP.INF file as a template:
Uses an existing Sysprep.inf file as a template for a new file and
indicates where the existing file is stored. The new Sysprep.inf
file, containing the settings you specify in this wizard,
overwrites the existing default Sysprep file. If you want OSD to
base its Sysprep.inf file on one you've already created, you can
browse for that file. If you don't select an existing Sysprep.inf,
OSD creates a new one.
NOTE: After you
finish the wizard, you can edit the SYSPREP.INF associated with a
script by right-clicking that script and clicking Advanced
Location of Sysprep.inf in the image being
deployed: Locates where the Sysprep.inf file was stored on the
hard drive of the device where Sysprep was originally run (in other
words, the device whose image is being deployed by this
Sysprep.inf multiprocessor image support -
Configure advanced multiprocessor options:
Lets you configure an image to support multiprocessors (on Windows
2000 or Windows XP devices).
NOTE: Select this
option only if the processor count within your image is different
than the processor count on any of your target devices.
About the Deploy
image — Multiprocessors page
Use this page to configure the following multiprocessor settings
for the image being deployed by this script:
Choose the operating system type for the image
being deployed: Specifies the OS that is part of the image
being deployed, either Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
Specify the device type the image was created
on: Indicates whether the image being deployed was created on a
uniprocessor or multiprocessor device, with either the APIC or MPS
Enter the location of the HAL-related .inf files
inside your image: Specifies the path to the HAL-related .inf
file for the image being deployed by this script. The wizard uses
Microsoft's default .inf file paths for each OS. If you used the
default paths when setting up your device for imaging, leave the
information in this text box as is. Otherwise, type in the
different path you used to the HAL-related .inf file.
Additional multiprocessor information
Uniprocessor and multiprocessor devices require different
Windows 2000 and Windows XP kernels. Depending on your hardware
configuration, you may be able to use your uniprocessor image on a
multiprocessor device, or vice versa.
Devices that support advanced processor features typically have
an Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC). Devices that
support advanced processor features can also have an Advanced
Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI).
The support matrix for sharing an image between uniprocessor and
multiprocessor devices is complex. You should refer to Microsoft's
Sysprep documentation for more details.
WARNING: As a general
rule when considering sharing uniprocessor and multiprocessor
images, remember that both the source and target devices must have
either an ACPI APIC HAL or a non-ACPI APIC HAL. You can't use an
ACPI APIC image on a non-ACPI APIC device, or vice versa.
About the Deploy image —
Image settings page
Use this page to specify the following generic settings for the
Sysprep.inf file used by this script to modify the image being
Time zone: Indicates the time zone where the
target devices are located.
Volume license key: Specifies the license
number for the OS that is being deployed.
Local administrator password for this image:
Provides the administrator's password for the device that was
Name: Identifies the target devices with a
name, such as a department name or geographic location.
Organization: Identifies your organization
with a name, such as a division or company name.
About the Deploy image —
Network credentials page
Use this page to specify the following network settings you want
to include in the Sysprep.inf file for this image.
Workgroup: Indicates that your target devices
reside in a workgroup. If you select this option, enter the name of
the workgroup in the text box.
Domain: Indicates that your target devices
reside in a domain. If you select this option, enter the name of
the domain in the text box and provide the following domain account
Domain username: Identifies the name of a user
in the domain that has privileges to add a machine account to the
Domain password: Provides the user's
Add device to an Active Directory OU: Allows
you to specify the path (using LDAP path syntax) to a specific
Microsoft Active Directory OU where you want to add the target
devices being imaged.
About the Deploy
image — Naming convention page
Use this page to assign the naming convention for target devices
that will be imaged by the image deployment script.
First attempt to get and use existing computer
names from the Inventory database: Preserves existing Windows
computer names if the targeted devices have already had the
inventory scanner run on them. The image will attempt to use any
computer names that already exist in the core database.
When necessary, use the following template to name
target computers: Provides a template that defines a naming
convention to create unique names for target devices that do not
currently have a device name assigned to them in the core database.
This template is useful for LANDesk agent-discovered and
PXE-booted devices. You can review the examples on the wizard
About the Deploy image —
Hardware-independent imaging page
Use this page to configure the use of hardware-independent
imaging (HII) in a script. The hardware-independent imaging tool
(hiiclient.exe) lets you create a single provisioning template or
deployment script that can be deployed to multiple device models. A
base image is installed on the device, and the HII tool then
injects drivers that are specific to the device model.
This option is only used in images based on the Windows preboot
environment. After the OS is installed, but before the device
reboots, the HII tool detects the device model and retrieves
drivers for that model. The drivers are installed onto the device
and their information is included in the registry. After a reboot,
when the OS starts it configures the drivers.
Auto detect:
Select this option to have the HII tool automatically select the
manufacturer and model of the device you are imaging, based on the
strings in the device's BIOS. You should select this option if you
want to use the image for devices from multiple manufacturers.
Select manufacturer and model:
Select this option only if you will use the image on the
same device model every time. Select a manufacturer from the list,
then select a model from the list. The device drivers associated
with this model are listed for your reference.
Use this page to provide the following information needed by the
image to install LANDesk device software onto target
UNC path to directory containing wscfg32.exe:
Specifies the UNC path (usually \\<corename>\LDLogon) to the
core server or service center where wscfg32.exe (the LANDesk device setup file)
LANDesk credentials to access core
servers: Provides a domain\username, password, and confirmed
password to authenticate to the core server or service center, so
that the image can install wscfg32.exe onto target devices.
About the Capture
profile — Storage UNC page
The options on this page also appear in the deploy image and
restore profile dialog boxes' Profile storage page. Use this
page to specify where to store the profile data and to provide
authentication credentials:
UNC path to profile storage directory:
Specifies the UNC path to where the profile data will be stored.
You can enter just the computer name in UNC format, then browse for
the remainder of the path by clicking the Browse button.
Domain and user name: Identifies a user with
valid authentication credentials to the specified UNC path.
Password/Confirm password: Specifies the
user's password.
Force authentication using these credentials:
Forces an authentication (log out and log in using the credentials
specified above) on devices that are scheduled for a profile
migration if the currently logged in user's credentials fail. If
such a failure occurs, selecting this option ensures that the
device has sufficient rights to access and save data on the network
share where the profile data will be stored.
About the Capture profile — UMA
command file
Use this page to specify the location of the UMA command file
that is used to capture user profiles. This command file is an XML
file that specifies what elements to include in the profile to be
captured. This page also lets you edit the most common elements in
the UMA command file, without opening the file and editing the XML
code directly.
Select user migration assistant command XML
file: Click Browse and select the location of the XML
Edit: Click this button to open the
Migration settings dialog box. Select the UMA command file
that you want to edit, and click the Edit button. Or, to
create a new command file, click New.
Save to: Specify the name of the XML
Desktop settings: Select the check box for
each desktop item that you want to capture in the profile.
Application settings: Select the check box for
each application for which you want to capture user settings in the
Network settings: Select the check box for
each network and drive setting that you want to capture in the
Use this page to create a script that runs DOS commands
(including application executable names) on target devices. The
commands are sent to devices one at a time.
Name: Identifies the script with a unique
name. If the name you enter is already being used, you'll be
prompted to replace the existing script. You should enter a name
that helps you quickly and easily identify the script by its
function or by the intended target devices on your network.
Description: Additional text you can add to
describe the script.
Enter the DOS commands to execute on this
device: DOS commands can be added to this box, one per line, as
if you were typing at a DOS command prompt. You can enter as many
commands as you like.
Abort this job if any command fails: Causes
the imaging job to abort if any of the DOS commands entered on this
page fail. Applications (launched from the DOS command line) that
generate a DOS errorlevel code when failing will also cause the
imaging job to abort. If no errorlevel code is created when a
command or application fails, the imaging job will continue.
Validating the OS deployment boot
The Linux PE boot environment is the only environment OS
deployment supports that doesn't require additional validation.
Before you can use the DOS or Windows PE* boot environments, OS
deployment must verify that you have a license to use the files
that the boot environment requires.
DOS: License verification requires a Windows NT 4
server CD and a Windows 98 CD. This 7 MB image is the smallest one,
reducing the network bandwidth used. It potentially is the slowest
at creating and restoring images, and has lower hardware
compatibility than the other imaging solutions.
Windows PE: License verification requires a Windows
PE 2005 CD and a Windows 2003 SP1 CD. This 120 MB image is the
largest one. It has the best hardware compatibility and is
potentially the fastest at creating and restoring images. The
imaging speed benefits from 32-bit drivers and applications. This
imaging environment also supports Microsoft's imaging tools.
*This product contains Windows software licensed from Microsoft
Corporation and/or Microsoft Affiliate(s).
Adding additional drivers to the Windows PE image
If you have hardware on your devices that isn't supported by the
standard Windows PE image, you can add drivers to the image. This
dialog box supports two main types of drivers:
OEM storage drivers that include a txtsetup.oem
Non-OEM drivers that include a .inf file
To add drivers to the Windows PE image
In the Operating System Deployment pane, click
the Add additional drivers into the Windows PE image toolbar
Browse for the Windows PE image file you want to
Click the type of driver you're installing and click
Browse for the drivers .inf or txtsetup.oem file and
associated files. Click Next.
Enter the amount of space you want to leave in the
Windows PE image after resizing it.
Click Next when done.
Resizing the Windows PE image
If necessary, you can add space to a Windows PE image.
To add space to a Windows PE image
In the Operating System Deployment pane, click
the Resize the Windows PE image toolbar button.
Browse for the Windows PE image file you want to
Enter the amount of space you want to leave in the
Windows PE image after resizing it. You can enter a negative
number to reduce the image size.
Click OK when done.
Changing the Windows PE image wallpaper
If necessary, you can change the Windows PE image wallpaper.
To change the Windows PE image wallpaper
In the Operating System Deployment pane, click
the Change the wallpaper of the Windows PE image toolbar
Browse for the Windows PE image file you want to
Browse for the wallpaper file you want to use. For
best results, use a 24-bit 800x600 bitmap file.