For Step 2, select the attributes that will be most useful for identifying computers returned in the query results. For example, if you want results that help you physically locate each computer matching the search condition set in Step 1, you would specify attributes such as each computer's display name (Computer.DisplayName) or IP address (Computer.Network.TCPIP.Address).
The following steps take place on the Edit query page.
NOTE: If you're using an Oracle database, make sure you select at least one attribute that is natively defined by the inventory scanner (for example, Computer.Display Name, Computer.Device Name, Computer.Device ID, Computer.Login Name, and so on).
You can also add column heading(s) to your query results list.
At this point, you may want to save your query; the next procedure in the query-creation process is optional and applies only to query results that contain two or more columns. To save your query, click Save Query at the top of the page. A window appears prompting you to type a name for this query. Type a name, then click Save in the top right corner of the window.