Using the Mouse and Keyboard


Using the Mouse


Clicking the right mouse button after selecting an object will display a pop-up context menu displaying options specific to the selected object.


Double clicking on any object will display any children that the object may have. If the object does not contain any child items, then the object's properties will be displayed. For example, double clicking on the Domain Users object will display all of the domain users in the target domain. Double clicking, in turn, on one of the individual domain users will display that user's properties dialog window.


Many of the mouse actions can be performed with the keyboard instead.




Using the Keyboard


When using the mouse for drag-and-drop file copy and move operations, the control key must be pressed to indicate a copy operation, while the shift key must be pressed to indicate that a file move operation should be performed. The keys only need to be pressed when the file copy/move operation is initiated; they do not have to be held down for the duration of the file copy/move.


To speed access to certain common operations, the following keys have been assigned to specific commands:


Return/Enter - Same as selecting Properties option. If object does not have any properties, then object's double-click action is performed.


Shift-F10 - Same as right mouse click.


Application button - This key is located only on Windows/Natural keyboards below the right shift key. Pressing it is the same as the right mouse click.


Insert - Same as selecting object's Create... or New... option. For example, pressing Insert when the Domain Users object is selected will display the Create New User dialog.


Delete - Same as selecting object's delete option.


F5 - Will refresh the contents of the list window.


ESC - Pressing the Escape key while in the tree view window will automatically jump to the parent of the selected item.


Left and Right Arrow Keys - When positioned over a tree window item that has a "plus" symbol next to it, the right and left arrow keys can be used to expand and contract the selected item.


Control-F - Activates the Search and Filter function.


Ctrl-F1…Ctrl-F9 - Activates the 1st (F1) through the 9th (F9) user-defined tool or command.


Shift-Ctrl-F1…Shift-Ctrl-F9 - Activates the 1st (F1) through the 9th (F9) shared user-defined tools or commands. See the Shared Settings section for more information about how to set up shared settings.


Hyena's main tree and list windows can also be quickly navigated by simply typing in the first few characters of any displayed item.  For example, if the list window is displaying a list of users, typing the characters "john" will quickly move the selection to the first entry starting with "john".