The General tab on a task window lets you select
which steps you want to perform in the task.
Note: If the task is being executed as a recovery
task, the Move the User Create step and the Client Initiation
options are not available.
The name of the task
Task Steps
Specify any of the following steps:
- Clone: Restores an image file onto client computers.
- Configuration: Applies the specified configuration settings to
the target computers.
- Move the User: Create: Captures user packages from target
- Move the User: Restore: Restores user packages to target
- Deploy AI Package: Lists the AutoInstall packages to be
installed or uninstalled on the target computers.
- Transfer Files: Lists the files to be copied onto the target
- Execute Command: Executes the specified command on the target
Refresh Steps
Specify any of the following steps:
- Refresh Configuration: Reads the configuration from client
computers and updates the default configuration settings in the
- Refresh Inventory: Reads inventory information from client
computers and updates the Inventory database on the Console
Target Machine Group/Machine
The computer group or computer to which the
task steps are applied when the task is executed.
Allow Client Initiation
Allows the task to be initiated from the
client computer.
Set password
Lets you create a password to be entered on
the client computer to execute the task.