Backup regime properties

Specifies backup regime properties.

Specifies the name of the backup regime
The computer that is to be backed up.
Minimum number of days to keep backups
The time before which backup information cannot be deleted.
Each baseline image, and the incremental images that depend on it, are deleted as a set. This occurs only when the most recent incremental backup becomes older than the number of days to keep backups.
Baseline backups are not deleted until all dependent images (incremental backups) are older than the specified time.
Number of days between baseline images
The number of days after which to create a new baseline image.
Schedule Automatic Backups
Lets you create a schedule for the automatic backup.
Additional backup/restore options for Ghost command line
Lets you set advanced additional command-line options for the backup.
The syntax of your command line is not checked when the task runs. Review these instructions carefully to avoid crashing or errors. The consequences of an error can be serious.
For more information, see the Symantec Ghost Reference Guide.