Properties for Image Create Task: General tab

The General tab lets you specify settings for the image create task. An image create task lets the Symantec Ghost Console create an image file of a client computer. The General tab lets you select the computer to create the image from and enter the image definition details.

Create task definition
Lets you create a task definition that can be saved and executed at a later time. Type the task name in the adjacent box.
Execute immediately
Lets you create a task that is executed when you click OK.
Source Machine: Name
The computer from which an image file is created when the task is executed.
Source drive
The hard disk from which the image file is created.
Partition operation
Lets you select one partition on the hard disk from which to create an image file.
Source partition
The partition from which the image file is to be created.
Image name: Browse
Lets you select or create an image definition to apply to the image file.
An image definition must be selected before you can create the image file.
Image compression
Lets you select a level of compression to apply to the image file.
Allow Client Initiation
Allows the task to be initiated from the client computer.
Set password
Lets you create a password to be entered on the client computer to execute the task.
Remove machine from Domain before taking an image
Removes the computer from a domain before the image file is created.
If this option is set for this image file, you can then apply this image file to other computers without including the computer in a domain. If the image file is of a Windows NT/2000/XP operating system and you are not using Sysprep, select to remove the computer from the domain.
Lets you set advanced options for this task.
You can include command-line switches in your image create task. Command-line switches should be used with caution as the commands are not checked when the image create task runs.