GhostCast Server command-line options

Table 3-1 lists the GhostCast Server command-line switches.

Table 3-1 GhostCast Server switches
Starts the GhostCast transmission after count clients have joined the session.
Starts sending to a session automatically after a specified time (24-hour hh:mm format), with a maximum of 24 hours.
Starts transmission minutes after the last client connection.
Creates a log file specifying log level E, S, W, I, or A.
Specifies log file name for the -L option and is by default, Ghostlog.txt.
Closes ghostsrv application after GhostCast session completion.
Uses create from client mode, restore to client is the default.
Restarts the GhostCast session on completion, waits for client connections again after GhostCasting is complete.
Specifies partition mode operation. If restoring to clients, the partition number must be given, if creating an image from client, no partition number is required.
Sets the multicast address to, addresses between are valid.
Specifies a range of multicast addresses, the address is chosen from within this range. Addresses between are valid.
Specifies the client disk number to which to restore or create the image file.
Specifies the client partition number to which to restore or create the image file.
Specifies switches to include in the command line and those used by the Ghost application.
Sets the maximum amount of bandwidth consumed while restoring an image, where xxx is the number of megabytes per minute.
Sets the maximum amount of bandwidth consumed while creating an image, where xxx is the number of megabytes per minute.
Sets the multicasting time to live.