In the Options dialog box you can specify session
You can specify a range of multicast addresses.
Addresses in the following range are valid: To specify an exact address set the end
address to the same as the start address. By setting a wide range
of addresses you can limit the chance of conflict if you run two or
more GhostCast operations simultaneously. This option should be
used by advanced users only.
On the File menu, click Options.
If you want to use a specified multicast
address range click Use Specified Multicast
Address Range and enter the multicast From and To
Click Multicast Scope TTL
to set the time to live.
This limits how far the data passes
through a network. Time to live is decremented by every router
through which the data packet passes.
Select one of the following:
Restart On Completion
Restart the GhostCast Server, accepting
clients and using the same Auto Start parameters.
Close GhostCast Server On Completion
Close Symantec GhostCast Server once the
session is complete.
Click Log clients to create
a log that lists GhostCasting session details, including when a
session took place, the computers involved, and whether the session
was successful.
The log is saved to the path
In the Log Level box, select a log level to set
a level of diagnostic GhostCast logging.
In the Log File box, type a destination log
file location.