Network Interface Card

This page displays a list of DOS network drivers that are stored in templates. You can select the template that is used to install the network driver in the boot disk. The Ghost Boot Wizard comes with a list of pre-defined templates for common network cards. Select the name of the network card installed in the computer to be started. If the name of the card is not in the list, create a new template.

The Ghost Boot Wizard lets you create a separate driver template for each type of network card that you plan to use. Once a driver template exists for a network card, you can quickly create many different boot disks that use the same driver without re-entering driver configuration information.

Each template contains a DOS driver and the necessary configuration files that are required to allow access to the network. The Ghost Boot Wizard uses three types of templates:

  • Packet driver templates
  • NDIS2 driver templates
  • Multicard templates

You can use any type of template for GhostCasting. You cannot use packet driver templates when you create a mapped drive boot disk. They do not appear on the list in this case.

Click to create a new template.
Click to display the Template Properties dialog box. This lets you change the configuration details of the selected template. You can also view the template properties by double-clicking an entry in the template list.
Click to make a copy of the selected template. Copying an existing template may be easier than creating a new template.
Click to rename the selected template.
Click to delete the selected template. You are asked to confirm whether or not you want to delete the template. Once a template has been removed from the list, it cannot be restored.